Monday, 4 May 2009

Just Friends (Again)

We're back to being just friends. After getting hot and heavy every night he said he didn't think he could keep doing it, and that it was getting too much for him. I said that it was fine, because we'd had a deal and I wouldn't ask any questions.
"It's just I think every night was getting too much,"
"Yeah, maybe we did get carried away. I guess I just couldn't help myself," I replied, and he laughed.
"Yeah, we got very carried away. Are you ok with it?"
"I'm ok with it, but it can't happen again between us unless it's going to go somewhere. We can't keep hooking up and then changing our minds, ok?"
"I understand. I think that's probably a good idea. I'll try and keep it in my pants," he joked, but acknowledging that I was serious.
"We'll both try. Because we're only going to end up hurting each other if we keep doing it."
"I know."

So we're back to being just friends. My only problem is that I suspect it will happen between us again, and that we'll continue to go through this cycle of mucking round with each other for a few days, and then breaking it off, but I guess we'll just take it as it comes. For now I'll just smile at the few days we did spend together, and the new experiences that I had with Kip that I hadn't had with anyone else.

1 comment:

Kiera said...

Oh no! I'm worried this will end badly. He's bad news and I know I'm not one to talk about men-that-are-all-wrong. I'm a believer in doing what's fun but be ready for drama and make sure it doesn't come during exam time. :)