Sunday, 24 May 2009

Back and Forth.

Last night I decided I was going to stop being pathetic and moping. Kip doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing me hurt, seeing what he did to me. I'm going to go back to being happy-go-lucky Six. If Kip can't see that I'm a beautiful, intelligent, funny, awesome, sexy, amazing woman, then he's obviously blind, and I shall just have to wait for someone who can see it. He can go out with that stupid bitch and I'll find someone better.

Ok, it still hurts. Really bad. But I'm trying.

On a slightly different note, I got a text from Isaiah last night. He was in the city that I'd run away from. I found this slightly ironic that the night I decide not to let Kip get to me anymore is the night that Isaiah returns to my life.

Ok, it really, really hurt. He's keen on the girl he met in town. They'll go out, she'll stay the night. He'll give her the virginity I wanted, and I'm going to be all alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pull yourself up out of the pathetic.
Kip's a loser.
He will never go for someone like you because your awesome brains and beauty intimidate him. He's a typical Kiwi guys who needs to be superior to his mate.