Sunday, 28 October 2007

Seventeen Candles

Once upon a time there was a sixteen year old who was ignorant, naive and hiding behind an exterior of constant positivity. Then, something strange and completely random triggered a change in her. On this, her seventeenth birthday, she decided to explore her year...

'I turned sixteen and thought my life would change dramatically. I hold the belief that seventeen will be different. Being sixteen would bring me romance, excitment, and maybe a little bit of danger. It hasn't exactly brought me any of that, and certainly not romance. There were many instances where I thought my luck in that department would change -such as getting a job, going out more - but no. I don't mind, though. I don't need a guy to define who I am.

Throughout the year, I've become more comfortable with who I am and what I believe in. I still have not sucumbed to the peer pressure that surrounds youth - I still don't drink, and I don't do drugs. My former best friend began to dabble in such things with his 'scene' friends. Then he lost his virginity whilst drunk to a girl who's name we couldn't recall. I began to realise that my best friend wasn't the type who did practically everything I was morally against. We soon began to drfit a part. I tried to salvage out friendship, but then realised that it wasn't worth it, and I can honestly say that we aren't friends any more, and that I odn't mind.

I don't care what people think of me. If I'm not good enough for them, then they aren't good enough for me. I used to take criticism personally, but now I can shrug it off or learn from it. I've learnt that some people aren't worth the effort, and others are.

One of the highlights of being sixteen was starting Sixteen Secrets. This blog has allowed me to bare my soul - and skin- without being judged or having to feel ashamed. I was inspired after reading about College Call Girl in a magazine. I checked it out online and saw her baring her soul through the power of anonymity. I wanted that power as well, and so Sixteen Secrets began. I hope to continue it for much longer and hope that my readers will stay witrh me and read as I (hopefully) fall in love, lose my virginity and live life to its fullest...'

Her teacher, who could sense the change, assured her that she would be fine and that she would come out of this time a wonderful human being. And she will. She will continue to grow and develop until she finds out exactly who she is.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

A Teaser

More to come in a few days... I'm building the suspense :P

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

My Random Babblings

Exams are looming. I haven't started studying. Well, not as much as I should be. I wrote an essay today, but it was a half-arsed effort. I will knuckle down soon, well try to, at least.

On another note, my friend and I were having a very good discussion about falling in love, or rather, our lack of falling in love and want of love. It was a very good discussion until she didn't reply to my text.

To change the subject once more, I saw Atonement yesterday. Best film of the year. I'm not a huge Keira Knightly fan, but there is no denying her talent in this film. See it, or regret it!

I took some more photos. They are quite classy, if I do say so myself. I'll post them when I feel like it.

My birthday on Sunday. I will post a very good, life changing blog then.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Friends Until the End?

Isn't it funny how the friends we take for granted are the ones who are there for you when you need it most? I discovered this when I dived into an ocean and quickly found myself way over my head. Who were the life savers that dived in after me or threw me a life ring? It wasn't the people I sit with in class. It wasn't the people I spend my lunch hour with, day after day. No. It was the girl who I often disregard, unsure if I really like. It was the girl I chat with about the state of the world. It was the guy I talk to before school and online because my other friends don't like him because of a fully flung crush he had on a girl who did not deserve his affections.
It made me wonder about who my real friends are. What makes a real friend? I thought I knew. I thought I had them - heaps of them, in fact. But when not one of them reached into my dark ocean, but left me to sink into the icy depths, I began to think that these cannot be true friends. Friends, yes, but not people I can rely on. So can my life savers be my real friends when you didn't always like them before? And then if I decide that my other friends aren't friends, what do I do? Do I stop hanging round with them? But for all the stress and anguish they can cause, they are a fun group.
I'm in a dilemma.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Porn or Art?

I didn't realise how much controversy these photos would cause. I have been told to take them down, asked whether it's legal, and told that I have a great body. There was such a range of comments, that I thought it only right to review the photos that were taken.

First of all; I didn't like these photos as much as the last ones I took, even though they didn't show anything. I took more time with the previous ones, and managed to edit them a bit on the camera. I used a different camera this time, and I was in a rush incase my family got home whilst I was lolling topless on the couch.

Second of all; my first comment said that they revealed too much of my identity. Perhaps the first photo did, so I took it down.

Third of all; I take these pictures because I want my page views to go up, I will admit to that. They also provide me with a sense of freedom, as no one knows who I am (bar two people), and so I can do whatever the hell I like, without a bunch of judging eyes on me, telling me that it's wrong to show off my body. Up yours to the person who told me I was chubby and need to lose some weight. I'm happy with my body, don't be jealous.

Fourth; if I am never to be famous, or glamourous of great, at least I have some sort of fame through the internet. Yes, it's probably morally wrong, but I frankly don't give a shit (see above).

For those of you who are concerned that these pictures are soft porn and that old men are going to sit by their computer and lust on me, thank you for your concern. I'd like to think that these photos are art; whether it's from a strategic hat or flash to mask my identity, or the ways in which I pose. I'm not putting them up there for you all to lust over. As I already said, I've put them up there to free myself.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

New Pics!

[Edit] From the adivice of one commenter, I have taken one photo down, because it probably does show too much of my face. Enjoy the rest. I won't be taking them down.

I didn't have much time to take these, but I thought everyone deserved them. Plus, this counts as a post about boobs. Tthey aren't very arty. I can't load them onto my computer to edit them, because they still come up on the screen saver, even if you've deleted them. I can't even rotate them :( Enjoy, and please comment! Esp if you have ideas, advice, and compliments :P

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Mystery Text

Do you ever send a text message to someone, but meant it for a different person? I did that today;

"Don't worry about it. Leave him to me, I'll deal with him."

What's sad about this text message, is that I wasn't actually texting anyone at the time. I invented this text and purposely sent it to them just so I would seem exciting. I re-read the text before I sent it, "oh, that's mysterious," I thought to myself, and then selected a person to send it to.

Why? I asked myself this very question. There are three possibilities:
a) I wanted to strike an interesting conversation
b) I wanted to seem mysterious and exciting
c) I was bored.

A and B are the two possibilities I would go with. Did it strike an interesting conversation? No. Do I seem more mysterious? I doubt it. Perhaps I should just go out me.

Thanks to Ms Puddin's advice to write about boobs. Look out for a post on them soon!