Sunday, 28 October 2007

Seventeen Candles

Once upon a time there was a sixteen year old who was ignorant, naive and hiding behind an exterior of constant positivity. Then, something strange and completely random triggered a change in her. On this, her seventeenth birthday, she decided to explore her year...

'I turned sixteen and thought my life would change dramatically. I hold the belief that seventeen will be different. Being sixteen would bring me romance, excitment, and maybe a little bit of danger. It hasn't exactly brought me any of that, and certainly not romance. There were many instances where I thought my luck in that department would change -such as getting a job, going out more - but no. I don't mind, though. I don't need a guy to define who I am.

Throughout the year, I've become more comfortable with who I am and what I believe in. I still have not sucumbed to the peer pressure that surrounds youth - I still don't drink, and I don't do drugs. My former best friend began to dabble in such things with his 'scene' friends. Then he lost his virginity whilst drunk to a girl who's name we couldn't recall. I began to realise that my best friend wasn't the type who did practically everything I was morally against. We soon began to drfit a part. I tried to salvage out friendship, but then realised that it wasn't worth it, and I can honestly say that we aren't friends any more, and that I odn't mind.

I don't care what people think of me. If I'm not good enough for them, then they aren't good enough for me. I used to take criticism personally, but now I can shrug it off or learn from it. I've learnt that some people aren't worth the effort, and others are.

One of the highlights of being sixteen was starting Sixteen Secrets. This blog has allowed me to bare my soul - and skin- without being judged or having to feel ashamed. I was inspired after reading about College Call Girl in a magazine. I checked it out online and saw her baring her soul through the power of anonymity. I wanted that power as well, and so Sixteen Secrets began. I hope to continue it for much longer and hope that my readers will stay witrh me and read as I (hopefully) fall in love, lose my virginity and live life to its fullest...'

Her teacher, who could sense the change, assured her that she would be fine and that she would come out of this time a wonderful human being. And she will. She will continue to grow and develop until she finds out exactly who she is.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Like the pics; blue is definitely your colour!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! and come to Costa Rica!
I'll be just me...the guy you'll probably not fall in love but definitely help you to know yourself better!

hehe...Did I say I'll buy you the fligth ticket!

Sweet Dreams!

Barbara_Talbot said...

Happy birthday...keep writing,you will be glad to knowhow you felt at this time in the coming years..

Best wishes for a great newy ear.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! This is the first time I have visited your blog, I linked from CCG's blog. I loved this post, you seem like a well adjusted young woman who knows who she is. Don't let anyone ever pressure you into anything you do not want to do. Always be true to yourself no matter what, and don't worry, with a body like yours you will have the guys all drooling over you !!