Monday, 28 September 2009

Fucking on the Phone

Last night we were both naked in his bed, my hand around him, and his fingers in me when my cellphone went off.
"Just ignore it," I said, thinking it was a text message. He picked it up and I noticed that the little light was still flashing. "Fuck, it's a phone call." I flipped it open and answered it.
"Hi, Six! How're you?" It was my Dad. Jake got off the bed and wandered over to his drawers while I had a little chat to my father. He came back, condom on, and climbed on top of me, kissing my neck and sucking on my nipples. I tried to keep my voice steady and act like nothing was going on.
"Dad, I have to go now," I said, pushing Jake back as he tried to enter me.
"Oh, how come?" He said. I think he was a little bit disappointed.
"Because my boyfriend is about to fuck me," I replied.
Just kidding.
"I had a late night last night so I'm pretty tired."
"Oh, ok, goodnight love you."
As soon as I had closed me phone Jake was in me and I had the best sex I'd ever had. He focussed entirely on me getting pleasure, and when he whispered in my ear how he loves my "tight little pussy," I knew I'd found a winner. And then he gave me my first orgasm that I hadn't done myself and it was an excellent night.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Nudity and Orgasms

I've been discussing my sex life with two of my friends that I live with, and they say that I'm quite different from most girls.
Because Jake has seen me completely naked.
"But surely your boyfriend saw you naked when you guys had sex?" They both shook their heads,
"Nope, it'd be dark and straight afterwards I'd get under the sheets," Louise said, and Manda nodded in agreement.
"Really? That's so weird..."
"It's not weird, you're the weird one," Louise laughed, "you have way too much self confidence for a girl."
"I guess Jake just makes me feel beautiful. Afterwards we lie there for a bit, just, together. It's not weird at all. Should it be weird?"
"No, of course not. It's a good thing that you're confident about your body," Manda assured me. "Do you go on top?"
"Wow," said Louise. "I have so much respect for you. I think you've had better sex than I've ever had. Do you enjoy it? Or do you just enjoy it cause he enjoys it?"
"I enjoy it because it feels good... but I haven't orgasmed yet..."
"I never did with my ex, and we had sex all through Summer,"
"Shit, son."
"I also never enjoyed it like you do. I'm sure your orgasm's right around the corner."

Let's hope so. Sex is feeling good right now, but I still haven't peaked. Is it rude to tell him that I haven't?

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

The L Word

He loves me. He told me this ages ago, but I left it out of the details for now.
More specifically, he's IN love with me. With ME.
And I love him too. I'm not IN love with him, but I am quickly heading in that direction.
The thought of not seeing him for two months while he's in South Africa with his family hurts. I'm going to have to keep so busy over Summer so I don't spend it pining over him, because I don't want to be that girl.

In other news, last night we were having sex and then he decided we should stop because we both had to get up for the gym in the morning. I thought I'd done something wrong, but he assures me that it was just bed time. It still seems a bit weird to me, but he is a mysterious one.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

A Blowjob

Jake asked me if I'd ever given a blowjob before the other night when we were in bed. I lied and said that I hadn't, when in actual fact I'd given Kip one.
Why did I lie? Surely it's not that bigger deal to have been honest. I think it was just easier to say that I hadn't, especially as I know that Jake is still uncomfortable with the role Kip played in my life prior to him. He worries that I might still have feelings for him, because I told Jake that I had thought I was in love with him. I've reassured him that our feelings towards each other are now purely platonic, that it's Jake I feel for now, but I know if he knew I'd given him a blow job he probably still wouldn't be that happy.
Also, when I gave Kip his blowjob I wasn't sober, so I had the liquid confidence. Although in time I'm sure I will be happy to give Jake one, I didn't feel confident enough to do it then. He was fine with it, but I think if he knew about Kip's, he might have felt a bit ripped off.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Well That Hurt.

I told Jake I was falling for him last night.

"That makes me very happy," he replied. "I'm falling for you too. I'm falling in love with you."

I'm meeting his step-dad tonight, who's in the city for a big game. I'm quite nervous, but so happy that he wants me to meet him. I'm glad because I think this is the only chance I will have because his family are moving back to South Africa.

Something bigger than that happened last night, though. Last night I lost my virginity and shit it hurt like a mother fucker, even though he was gentle and went slow. He kept apologising for hurting me, which made me smile. For all the males who read my blog, I would describe the feeling as having an ear piercing that's grown over, and then forcing an earring back through it. Except on a much larger scale, obviously.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Another Short Post

I've been really lazy with updating and I apologise, it's just that I don't think my readers will be as interested in how generally happy I am. It's just not as interesting as how much my life sucks.
Things with Jake are still going well, even with the death stares from the ex. She can get fucked. Jake and I have been together now for as long as they were (that's right, three weeks. Hardly enough to count), so she needs to grow up.

Uni's going well, I just got an essay back worth 25% of the paper with an A+. The lecturer was pretty much creaming himself over how good it was, so I'm feeling pretty good right about now.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Things With Jake.

Things with Jake are going really well. We spent the day together shopping on Thursday (town dress for $34? Yes please), and the present he got me was an All Blacks t-shirt. I stayed in his room on Friday night and it was really nice. We've had 'the talk,' and he's completely willing to wait for me to be ready, he said he doesn't expect anything from me, which is cool. I'm trying to go slow this time around - I don't want to leap into this like I did last time, just to have my heart broken once more.

He also looked after me last night and put me to bed after I did winey hands - a bottle strapped to each hand. Needless to say, I don't remember anything after finishing the second bottle. Apparently I tried to go to town but they told me that it was 4 in the morning and I'd already been, when in reality, it was 10.30 at night and there was no way I was going anywhere.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Blood is Thicker than Water

My sister is nearly 21 years old and still expects me to make sure she's up in the morning to make sure she gets to her doctor's appointment on time. Seriously? Grow. Up.
My little sister has a boyfriend that breaks her heart every couple of weeks, yet she still goes back to him every time.
Thank God I don't live here anymore.
One more sleep until I get to see Jake.