Saturday, 12 September 2009

Well That Hurt.

I told Jake I was falling for him last night.

"That makes me very happy," he replied. "I'm falling for you too. I'm falling in love with you."

I'm meeting his step-dad tonight, who's in the city for a big game. I'm quite nervous, but so happy that he wants me to meet him. I'm glad because I think this is the only chance I will have because his family are moving back to South Africa.

Something bigger than that happened last night, though. Last night I lost my virginity and shit it hurt like a mother fucker, even though he was gentle and went slow. He kept apologising for hurting me, which made me smile. For all the males who read my blog, I would describe the feeling as having an ear piercing that's grown over, and then forcing an earring back through it. Except on a much larger scale, obviously.


Anonymous said...

Imagine in a few weeks when Jake's new flirt fancy Blogs - Then I saw on Facebook today that he's 'in a relationship w/16 Secrets.' WTF (yes, I did just use that), so now I don't know what's what. Everyone said that he's always all over me so I wonder why he'd flirt like that if he's taken. I'm a little bit disappointed, but I'm not overly worried. I'm just glad I didn't start liking him more before I found out.

And that's you he's flirting behind, trying to get into the pants of. Ah life eh!

Reflex said...

I think congrats are in order, guessing he was good with you. Please be careful and have fun, it gets easier from here.