Sunday, 30 December 2007

I'll Be Back Next Week. Or, How I Became a Prize Idiot.

That was the stupidest idea ever, getting some random guy to give Ralph my number. STUPID. I feel like a prize idiot. Which is probably because I am one. Ralph stopped looking across into our store, and it's entirely possible that he was hiding from me when I was talking to my friend in our store today. God. I should have just kept talking to him. Now we probably won't be friends. I feel like such a dick.

My friend, we'll call him Public Enemy Number 1 went into their store and said, "Sixteen Secrets likes you, here's her number." Ralph said, "thanks," although according to Public Enemy Number 1 it sounded more like, 'fuck off.' He hasn't texted me. I'm not surprised at all. I'd be running for the hills if I were him. Do I talk to him when I get back and act like nothing happened, or do I talk to him and apologise for my friend's behaviour and say how embarrassed I am?

Sigh. I'll be back in a week, with hopefully more inspiring tales than this.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Big Day.

Tomorrow is a big day. My friend is going to give Ralph my number. I know I should do it, but that's never going to happen. So tomorrow, Alec is going to go in and say that I think Ralph is hot and hand over my number. Except, he's going to do it as though I have nothing to do with it, and have no idea that Alec has done it. I figure that way, if Ralph isn't interested in taking things any further, he can just act like Alec never spoke to him. Complicated and stupid, I know, but at least something might actually happens, even if we just become awesome friends.

Ralph poked his tongue at me today. And contrary to Stupid Friend's belief, I did not want to suck on it. I just thought that was cool that he'd done such a thing at all.

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow, and then I won't be back for a week because I'm going to the beach to spend all my time tanning. Hooray for Summer!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Clothing Curse

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas :)

It's mufti at work for the next fortnight, which is great. It gives me a chance to impress Rob, even if guys don't notice those things. Although, a friend walked past today and said I looked 'damn fine.' 

However. It makes life much more difficult. If I didn't have a crush on SAWG - who's name we'll change to something more exciting, like... Ralph - I'd just chuck anything on. But I can't, because everyday I have to look good. I just don't have that many clothes. I'm in uniform at school, and uniform at work, so I just don't need that many, so it makes life very difficult, as I'm sure you can imagine. And then today I looked really good, and Ralph wasn't even working! It's rather irritating. I might have to go op-shopping and see if I can pick up any bargains.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Merry Christmas

I probably won't give you a chance to wish you all a lovely Christmas because I'm working tomorrow, and of course the twenty fifth will be taken up by, well, Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and may Santa bring you lots of goodies.

May Santa bring me SAWG, who is 21 (so too old :P) and went to art school.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 20 December 2007


Things just keep getting better and better. Yesterday SAWG was working late nights (it's nearly Xmas, folks!) and so was I. We don't get customers, neither do they. So he, this other awesome guy who works in their store (we'll call him Blue Shirt) and I just talked to each other the whole time. It was so much fun. We closed earlier than them and I went and talked to them as they closed up for the night. Blue Shirt showed me pictures of his baby and then I met his partner. I was flirtatiously rude (I hope) to SAWG. THEN. This is the most exciting part. They locked their doors and I walked along the road with SAWG. Who's name I actually know now. We walked. We talked. We flowed. And he is so awesome and I am more in love than ever :p

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Age Gap

My friends spied SAWG yesterday. They think he's cute and has "very pretty eyes." But the question still remains of his age. I'm unsure. One friend thinks late 20's, but I disagree with that because he still has that almost baby faced look of young men. Two friends think he's about 19, whilst another says early 20's. My question is, how young is too young for him? I'm seventeen now, and I would say that if he's 21, that's the oldest I can date, but how do guys look at it? I have no issues in dating older guys, because the guys my age are dicks, but what's the youngest a man will date? When does the age gap become wrong?

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Love across the Way.

SAWG and I talked again yesterday. He approached me all three times, which shows promise. As already mentioned, I work in a bookstore, and out front we have large tables full of books. I was tidying these up when he came up from one pile, and moved it to another pile. I could almost consider that to be flirting. My aim next time is to be more playful... Drop the hint that I am TOTALLY in love with him. And introduce myself, and get his name. Scary!

Thursday, 13 December 2007

We Talked!

We talked! SAWG and I had a conversation. The fire alarm at the mall went off and he saved me from a freaky old people conversation! We talked! 

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Christmas Wish

There aren't really any physical objects I want for Christmas. Well, no named objects at least. Sure, I want books and stuff like that, but I can't specifically name them. In saying  that, I do want stuff for Christmas, and so these are this year's Christmas Wishes:

  • I wish... for my page views to go up. I know that's pathetic, but I'd really like this to become a popular and regularly visited blog with heaps of comments etc. Ideally, I'd like to do this without posting any more pictures, but I do enjoy posting photos. Maybe I could find another site to launch them on.
  • I wish... for my back to stop hurting constantly. It's because I don't do enough exercise, so it's really my own fault. It still hurts, though.
  • I wish... to find another way to make money. I need about 6500 NZD to pay for my school trip to Europe next year. My parents are paying for some, and I've made about $2000 through my job, but I would like some source of legal alternative income.
  • I wish... for the girl at work to leave because I don't like her very much.
  • I wish... for prefect or head girl at school next year. It would be nice to finally be the best at something.
  • I wish... that my drama teacher wasn't leaving. He was so brilliant, and I'll miss him.
  • I wish... for good exam marks. I didn't study enough this year.
  • I wish... for love? I don't really. But something along those lines would be nice. Perhaps with the shop-across-the-way-guy (from here on in known as SAWG). Likely.
  • I wish... for sun over Summer. I've heard that it's going to be hot and humid. Lame. I want to tan.

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Christmas, Love and Cows

Whoops. Haven't blogged in a bit. I hope you haven't all forgotten about me. I think I haven't blogged because I haven't had any distinct ideas on what to blog. I think I'll just write a few bullet points of my random thoughts for you all:

  • My favourite teacher is leaving to be a deputy principal at another school, and that absolutely suck, but I'm so happy for him at the same time. He's one of those teachers who knows you better than you'll ever know yourself, and it's great. I'm sad he's going, because he was such an inspiration and always got me to the higher level when it came to my acting.
  • I've fallen in love with the guy who works in the shop opposite mine. Well, not really. I just think he's cute. Kind of hot-nerd. But I've never spoken to him, and have no idea how old he is, so I'll just shelve that idea :p
  • My feet are killing me.
  • I went to My Chemical Romance live in concert the other night. Better than expected.
  • I have the day off tomorrow. Choice.
  • It's nearly Christmas.
  • I spent all my pay on Christmas presents. Not choice.
  • My sister's a cow.
If you want to give me a topic to blog on, I assure you it will be much better than this one.