Friday, 28 December 2007

Big Day.

Tomorrow is a big day. My friend is going to give Ralph my number. I know I should do it, but that's never going to happen. So tomorrow, Alec is going to go in and say that I think Ralph is hot and hand over my number. Except, he's going to do it as though I have nothing to do with it, and have no idea that Alec has done it. I figure that way, if Ralph isn't interested in taking things any further, he can just act like Alec never spoke to him. Complicated and stupid, I know, but at least something might actually happens, even if we just become awesome friends.

Ralph poked his tongue at me today. And contrary to Stupid Friend's belief, I did not want to suck on it. I just thought that was cool that he'd done such a thing at all.

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow, and then I won't be back for a week because I'm going to the beach to spend all my time tanning. Hooray for Summer!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Hope everything works out as planned, good luck. Lucky for in and summer, here its snowing, i wanna be able to go tanning but i have another like 6 months or so for that =(. Take loads of pictures of the beachs and your tanning, i wanna be jealous lol
