Thursday, 27 September 2007


The party's BYO. Bring it in a water bottle, otherwise it's too hard to control. I'm taking a water bottle. It will be full of water.

I don't drink. I don't exactly feel the need to. I have so much fun without the added alcohol, and I can get up in the morning without a pounding headache. "You have to get drunk! You'll love it!" But I love having fun without it. Why do I need to? I shan't give into your peer pressure, thank you very much.

So at this party, my drink bottle will be filled with water - or if I'm daring, lemonade - and I will enjoy myself as you get wasted and look like idiots. I will remember it forever, but you wont remember it tomorrow. Up yours, bitches!

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Big Problem.

I don't know what to write about. I've had a disappearance of inspiration. I don't know what to do. What if I am never inspired again?

Quick! Someone give me a topic!

Friday, 14 September 2007

Ich bin krank, aber wenigstens ich sehe wie Sie nicht aus.

I'm sick. My nose is blocked to infinity and beyond, and I have this horrible cough. It sounds like I'm dying. I probably am. If I don't post again...I've died. But don't panic, I'm merely being over dramatic as always.

This week has been choca-block full of exams. They're all finished now, thank God. One week left of school, and then holidays, which will consist of me doing next year's research for English so I can relax a bit more next year. I also have to learn an intense monologue off by heart for drama, and write a speech for English. Oh, did I say they were holidays? How silly of me.

But now that I'm finished exams, I don't really know what to do with myself. It's early Friday evening, and I'm bored. I don't want to start more school work, but I don't want to bum round, either. Ahh, the dilemma.

I haven't spoken about sex in awhile. This was primarily set up so that I could vent about stuff like that, yet I've only made a couple of posts about it. Although, I did post those sexy (I thought) pictures, so I suppose that counts as sex. Maybe I'll think of something sexy over the weeken and post it for you.


Saturday, 8 September 2007

My Random Babblings

I'm staying up for the rugby (All Blacks v. Italy in their first World Cup match), so I thought I'd post up some of my random thoughts of late.

I'm quite a short person, so when I go to things that involve a lot of sweating, I'm usually around arm pit level, which is nice. I went to a gig the other night, and no one was that smelly until my friend came along. Phwor. And it wasn't even a boy. She smelt really bad. I couldn't stand to close to her. Infact, I took a few steps away and pretended I wanted to dance rather than admit I was to overcome by her stench to stand next to her.

I could be working on my book right now. I just realised. Or studying. I worked all day, so I didn't exactly feel like studying. And I'm too lazy to write, because my writing got crap. It's just puttering along now. I killed off a dog that hadn't ever been introduced. I'm a terrible author. But there are bits that stand out. I live my life vicariously through the book, which is rather sad.

I'm so tired. There's still an hour until the rugby. I'll have to make a mocha.

It's my ex-best friend's birthday on Monday. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Card? Present? Text message?

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

My French Postcard

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Here they very first French postcards! No judging. Yes, tanlines and flabs exist in the real worl. Get over it. But here you are, oggle away.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Two People

Two people know who this belongs two. One, is Mimi. Mimi, my life and soul. She is my best friend, whom without I would be just a shadow of myself. The other, is William, whom I tell a lot to, but we have a strange relationship that I am unsure of how to describe.

I'm glad Mimi knows. When I posted my second blog, A Night to Remember, I felt as if I was lying, as we had vowed to tell no one, yet there I was, writing it erotically for all the world to see. Mimi and I have done so much together, from that night, kissing in spas and just plain old hanging out and discussing the evolution of us. She knows I have a million fantasies involving her, and if you ever saw her, you probably would too.

However, sometimes I wonder about my telling William. He's a great guy and everything, don't get me wrong. But how honest can I be when he is reading? Can I post freely, like that last night I totally turned myself on fantasising about James McAvoy? Or if I take French Postcards, can I post them on here? Will he judge? Will I be able to look him in the eye?

So there is my dilemma. Two people know. One I'm glad. The other? Well... I can't decide.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Sins and Virtues

Lust Sloth Envy Pride Gluttony Greed Wrath
I love reading sealed sections. They make me imagine things I shouldn't.
I'm far too lazy, yet I still wonder why I don't have a flat stomach.
I'm jealous of their relationship, and the complete devotion he had for her.
I love being proud of things I have achieved.
I eat more than I should, which is probably something to do with the love handles.
I want it all.
My anger builds up and curdles my insides. I'm scared of snapping.
Chastity Abstinence Liberality Diligence Patience Kindness Humility
I'm a virgin
I can say no to food I don't need.
I like to buy people things.
I work hard.
I can forgive and forget. I am willing to wait.
People can lean on me in times of need.
I'm humble.