Friday, 14 September 2007

Ich bin krank, aber wenigstens ich sehe wie Sie nicht aus.

I'm sick. My nose is blocked to infinity and beyond, and I have this horrible cough. It sounds like I'm dying. I probably am. If I don't post again...I've died. But don't panic, I'm merely being over dramatic as always.

This week has been choca-block full of exams. They're all finished now, thank God. One week left of school, and then holidays, which will consist of me doing next year's research for English so I can relax a bit more next year. I also have to learn an intense monologue off by heart for drama, and write a speech for English. Oh, did I say they were holidays? How silly of me.

But now that I'm finished exams, I don't really know what to do with myself. It's early Friday evening, and I'm bored. I don't want to start more school work, but I don't want to bum round, either. Ahh, the dilemma.

I haven't spoken about sex in awhile. This was primarily set up so that I could vent about stuff like that, yet I've only made a couple of posts about it. Although, I did post those sexy (I thought) pictures, so I suppose that counts as sex. Maybe I'll think of something sexy over the weeken and post it for you.


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