Thursday, 29 January 2009

Here it is...

A serious post. It's not about global warming or the economic meltdown, because quite frankly, that's just a little too damn depressing. I'm on holiday, so I don't have anything socially exciting to talk about, so instead I'm going to talk about a guy that I hope you all have at least heard of:

Sir Edmund Hillary.
I consider this guy to be New Zealand's greatest citizen. He epitomizes the New Zealand 'can-do' attitude, and was never arrogant about his achievements.
He's most recognised for being the first person (along with his Sherpa Tenzing Norgay) to climb to the summit of the world's tallest mountain, Mt Everest. "We knocked the bastard off," is his famous quote associated with this amazing event. This casual attitude towards all that he is done is what makes him so popular in our nation.
After climbing to the summit, Ed continued to make his mark on the world - and put little old New Zealand on the map, leading an expedition to the South Pole, driving overland and attempting to climb Mt Makalu without oxygen.

What I believe Sir Ed is most respected for, however, is his huge contributions to the mountain people of Tibet. He built schools and hospitals for them. He never went on about his charity work like modern celebrities seem to (Angelina, I'm talking to you!), but just got on to the job. He changed their lives, and inspired ours.

This great man (who passed away in January of last year) inspires me to aim for my goals. He never claimed to be anything he wasn't, but he never let other people's doubt get in his way.
Most importantly, Ed has taught me that just because you're from a tiny country at the bottom of the world, it doesn't mean you can't make it on the world stage - no matter what your aspiration may be.

I'm going to try and think of other people that inspire me and write about them at some point. Or maybe not.

Monday, 26 January 2009


Move over Edward Cullen, race car drivers are where it's at! I spent the long weekend in Taupo for the A1 Grande Prix, and it was so much fun! It was my first year, and I quickly fell in love with the sport. With engines powered by Ferrari that send the cars careening round the track at around 280kp/h, and drivers who are all close to my age, what's not to like?

Some of those boys are incredibly good looking, too. I'm drooling over Australian driver Ashley Walsh as we speak.

I've had a reader request I do a blog on something more heavy such as global warming or the economic meltdown, but right now I'm too lazy. I will think about it soon, though.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The Return of the Devil's Spawn

Ugh. My sister comes home next week. She's been gone since mid-November, and I have not missed her once. She wasn't supposed to come home until February 14th. Yet, her flight gets in on the 26th of January. Why is this?
Turns out she doesn't like travelling as much as she told everyone she did.
Turns out Mum and Dad were right when they said she was going for too long.
Turns out she ran out of money.
Turns out Mum and Dad were right when they said Europe would cost a lot more than she expected.
Turns out Mum and Dad have had to loan her around $4500.
Despite the loan, she continues to buy shoes and clothes, that- chances are- she won't fit in two months time and will throw out because she'll either a) come back and stop eating, or b) come back and eat a lot.

I like how for the past... year, it's been all about her trip. Now she's been gone two months, and it's still all about her trip, and when she gets back, it will still all be about her.

Thank God I only have one month and four days left in this city.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Our Edward

I'm very much in holiday mode, so I don't really have much to write about. 

I went to a party on Saturday with Ashlee and her sort of boyfriend. It was nice, all his friends were really lovely and keen to welcome us into their group. Then yesterday, we journeyed into town to watch Twilight. Again. We're madly in love with Edward. 
I think Edward might have ruined guys' lives. He's perfect, and now girls are going to expect that. They're going to wait for their Edward. Although maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

A Piece of Cake

This is the second blog I wrote while I was away.

I just finished a book that I think may have changed my life. A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown is the harrowing true story of a girl, who at the age of eleven is thrust into the social welfare system after the tragic death of her mother. By the age of fifteen, Cupcake has already been raped, abused, turned tricks and tried an array of drugs.

It sounds horrible - and it is. You read in horrid fascination as Cupcake's life goes from bad to worse, yet it's surprisingly enjoyable. Then one day, she catches sight of herself in a shop window and she realises that she needs help, or she'll die.

I won't tell you what happens, but if you only read one book in 2009, make sure it's this one. Cupcake's story has made me realise a few things: that if you're in shit, chances are it's not as bad as what she went through; that no matter what sort of hell-hole you're in, you CAN get out; and that it's ok to ask for help.

Read it. You won't forget it.

P.S - If you ever want to email me to ask questions or suggest blog topics, they're always welcome.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

I'm Back!

I hope ya'll didn't forget about me. I just went on my fantastic Summer holiday at our bach, which is right on the beachfront. Bliss. Anyway, I wrote two blogs whilst I was away, and this is the first.

A few days ago, I wrote my first blog of 2009. Well, I drafted it, ready to post when I returned. In it, I talked about how Isaiah was still constantly on my mind and that I couldn't seem to shake him.

Then yesterday, I realised that it just wasn't true. I do think of Isaiah often, but now it's more as a friend that reliving that night. I do want to be a part of his life, I want to meet his baby and I want him to come and visit me when I move away in a month. I guess a part of me will always be in love with him, but I'm no longer disappointed when I receive a text message that isn't from him.

New Year's Eve was the best I've had, not that that's saying much. I got an entirely new outfit- a black and gold strapless dress that cut just before my knee and patent black gladiator heels with little gold buckles. As we counted down, the host of the party shook up a bottle of sparkling wine and sprayed it over everyone once we reached the New Year. I ran around giving everyone a New Year's kiss - maybe I'd had a few too many. It was 1.30 in the morning when I was shoved into a taxi by my friend, not wanting the night to end.

At 10.30 I was woken, much to my disgust. My family and I had to make our way to our holiday home. I slept most of the journey and drank obscene amounts of water in an attempt to quash the hangover.

And now, I'm here, lying in the 27 degree heat. I'm stretched out on the 70's sun chair as I look out to sea. It's here that I'm truly at peace. 

P.S. Isaiah's baby arrived on the 9th. She's a healthy baby girl, and the labour went well (only an hour long). Isaiah is over the moon. He said to me that when he holds her in his arms, "everything seems to fall into place." He's sent me a picture and she's lovely. Elizabeth has her mother's light skin and her daddy's nose. I am so proud of him.