Monday, 19 January 2009

Our Edward

I'm very much in holiday mode, so I don't really have much to write about. 

I went to a party on Saturday with Ashlee and her sort of boyfriend. It was nice, all his friends were really lovely and keen to welcome us into their group. Then yesterday, we journeyed into town to watch Twilight. Again. We're madly in love with Edward. 
I think Edward might have ruined guys' lives. He's perfect, and now girls are going to expect that. They're going to wait for their Edward. Although maybe that's not such a bad thing.


Anonymous said...

I find that amusing because the entire concept of Twilight is the 'Love Waits' abstinence movement. The books are written by a Mormon woman and meant to push the idea of waiting for your one true love before engaging in sex...

sixteensecrets said...

This is true, but the sexual tension is fantastic, and it's still horribly romantic, even if you don't believe in abstinence.

Anonymous said...

Heh, that wasn't meant to sound like I'm endorsing the concept, btw, I am just stating I find it kinda ironic that you enjoy something that is a packaged method of delivering a message that you do not personally buy into.

Myself, I like sex, and I sure ain't married yet.

Anonymous said...

"They're going to wait for their Edward. Although maybe that's not such a bad thing."

It might be a bad thing if you end up with no one - but then that might not be a bad thing either.

Anonymous said...

I think I need to see this film, even if it makes me cringe.

I'm studying in Europe and I've been playing the english gentleman card a lot lately. Having a drink with a rather beautiful girl in a few days, and you never know where you might learn something helpful :P

Anonymous said...

Oh.. and to add to the above.. my name's actually Edward, which helps somewhat!