Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Another Bullet-Point Blog

I've got about one week until my final year of school starts. I'm filled with excitement and a sense of trepidation about school. I'm good at it, but don't overly enjoy it. I'm more looking forward to escaping high school, ditching most of the people I hang round with and making new, awesome friends at university. I'm going to move out and into one of the boarding houses. I can't wait.

But before all of that, before I even go back to school, there are some things I want to do.

  • There are a million movies I want to see. Talk to Me, Juno, Charlie Wilson's WarAmerican Gangster and Sweeny Todd are top of the list. I saw The Jane Austen Book Club today, and it was quite enjoyable.
  • I want to go shopping! There's a secret sale on at this shop I love, where if you know the password, everything is half price. I've never been to the sale before, but hopefully I can get there sometime over the week. Maybe I'll get a jacket or a scarf...I'm so excited!
  • I want to do some baking or cooking. I haven't done anything for ages, and it makes me sad.
  • I want to start working on my novel again. I was working on it, and I thought it was pretty good. Then I sort of lost it. It's hard to write sex when you haven't done it. I might need to re-work it.
  • I want to write a more substantial blog that makes everyone think.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

St Valentine

Valentine's Day is looming. I hope those of you that have someone have actually started thinking about what you're doing. I'm getting sad about V Day, for the following reasons:

  • I've never received a proper Valentine. I get joke ones from friends, but they are never as exciting.
  • I've never had a boyfriend around the time of love, let alone a proper boyfriend at all.
  • About five of my friends all have boyfriends. Those five are bound to do something romantic.
  • I'm in love with someone. I've never liked someone around Valentine's Day.
  • Valentine's Day is a stupid commercial holiday, so I feel even more pathetic for being sad about it.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

You Want a Piece of This?

I was at a friend's place last night, and the eight or so of us turned on some techno and hip-hop music and began dancing. We do this often, being silly and just generally having a good time. Suddenly we started talking about cool dance moves, and I showed them one I learnt in a dance course a million years ago. It's sort of a body roll, but I move my body around at the same time. It's impossible to explain. They were blown away by it. I thought it was just an average dance move - turns out I was wrong. I've got excellent control over my hips and can move them really well, but I was sort of under the impression that everyone could do it, now I feel extra sexy.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

The Scene.

Oh dear. I think everyone who works in the store where Ralph works knows that I have a MASSIVE crush on him. I'm so embarrassed. I get this feeling because I was out front tidying, and the script went a little something like this:

Sixteen Secrets is out the front of her shop, doing a general tidy. She's trying to peek over at Ralph without him noticing. Suddenly, Ralph's work mate, John grabs her attention.

John: You like tidying up, don't you?
Sixteen Secrets: laughing It's my life and joy.
Ralph: I'll trade you this, he holds up an object from his store for a book.
Sixteen Secrets: Tempting...but no.

Then, Ralph's boss, Smith, gets in on the act.

 Smith: He'll even sign it for you. To Sixteen Secrets, with love, Ralph.
Sixteen Secrets: Laughing Oh, well in that case...

The bell dings from inside Sixteen Secret's shop and she exits. End scene.

I also saw them looking over at me throughout the day. I'm rather embarrassed.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Plan B

I've got an idea of how I'm going to find out whether he's interested or not. I'm going to be talking to Ralph, and say something along the lines of "I really want to go to the movies tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with," I figure that's very open. If he's interested, the conversation might go something like this:

SS: I really want to go to the movies tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with.
R: What movie do you want to see?
SS: I'm not fussed. Any movie will do.
R: Well I want to see I Am Legend, so would you like to see it with me tonight?

or maybe like this:

SS: I really want to see a movie tonight, but I've got no one to go with.
R: That sucks. What sort of movies are you into?
SS: Most movies, you know drama and action and comedy.
R: I really like those as well. We should see one sometime.

But more realistically, it will probably go like this:

SS: I want to see a movie tonight, but I haven't got anyone to go with.
R: Sucks to be you. That'll be $23.99 thanks.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Beach Blog #3 - Thunder Thighs

As I strolled down to the water yesterday, the sand scorching my feet, I came to a realisation. Sans boardies, I discovered that my thighs are not as fat as I had originally thought. Sure, they wobble quite a bit and are never going to look like this (without serious weight training that I'm far too lazy to do):
 But at least they don't look like this:

But then again, if she's happy with her legs, then kudos to her. Although I've realised that they're not as fat as I previously imagined, I still wouldn't have enough guts to go without my shorts at the pool side with friends (who's legs are much thinner than mine), but at least I've taken the first step to acceptance - maybe my skirts and shorts will get shorter because of it.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Not a Beach Blog.

I'm still madly in love with Ralph. I can't help it. I thought that my week away from him would quash anything. Apparently not. My boss, Sheryl says that perhaps he's interested but just shy. She says she keeps catching him looking at me, trying to pretend he isn't. I wish he would ask me out. I can't do it. Especially after the whole number fiasco. God damnnit. Why can't guys have signs above their head that say 'interested' or 'not interested'? 

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Beach Blog #2 Loving Every Minute

I'm sitting on the beach, creamy white sand between my toes and dusting my brown jandals (thongs, for those of you who don't understand my Kiwi lingo). Just arriving here has washed away all of my worries, but it also makes me wish that life could always be like this. Why can't it be a beach-front holiday with warm sand all year round? Who needs constant responsibility? Everyone I can see is having a fabulous time. The people who own the mansion next door are lounging about on their million dollar deck, my sister is playing in the water, the sun glistening off her beach blond locks, and down the end of the beach I can see boys and girls flirting with each other as the toss a ball around. Life is good, and although I seem to be a spectator for the moment, I'm loving every minute of it.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Beach Blog #1 - New Year, New Me

The next few blogs I wrote whilst I was away with my family at our holiday home, right on the beach front. I hope you enjoy!
My New Year kicked off with a bang- literally. My family and I set off some lame fireworks that I had been given just before Guy Fawkes (that's the only time you can buy them here) and then we watched Pretty Woman on TV. Not exactly a thrilling start to 2008, but at least I managed to stay up to midnight, if only because I had the faint hope that Ralph might use the excuse of a mass 'happy New Year' text to contact me. Unsurprisingly, he didn't. I've decided not to let it get to me. The age gap might be too much for him, he might have a girlfriend or - more realistically - he just might not be interested. His loss, I say. 
I've decided that my week away on an idyllic beach is going to show him exactly what he's missing out on. I've going to go back home with a great tan, great skin, and more importantly, a new state of mind. It's sort of my New Year's resolution; throw everything I've got at 2008, don't regret anything and have FUN, which is something I didn't do enough of last year. I'm going to live under the new mantra of 'I am fabulous,' and no one will tell me otherwise, because no one has the right to. In the words of Natalie Wood, right now "I feel stunning and enchanting."