Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Plan B

I've got an idea of how I'm going to find out whether he's interested or not. I'm going to be talking to Ralph, and say something along the lines of "I really want to go to the movies tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with," I figure that's very open. If he's interested, the conversation might go something like this:

SS: I really want to go to the movies tonight, but I don't have anyone to go with.
R: What movie do you want to see?
SS: I'm not fussed. Any movie will do.
R: Well I want to see I Am Legend, so would you like to see it with me tonight?

or maybe like this:

SS: I really want to see a movie tonight, but I've got no one to go with.
R: That sucks. What sort of movies are you into?
SS: Most movies, you know drama and action and comedy.
R: I really like those as well. We should see one sometime.

But more realistically, it will probably go like this:

SS: I want to see a movie tonight, but I haven't got anyone to go with.
R: Sucks to be you. That'll be $23.99 thanks.


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thecollegiateoutsider said...

so..if i told you i was back, would you still love me? even if I'm not ralph?

don't give in to mixed messages. he may just not like going to the movies. ask him to go get a cup of coffee. it's simple. I am hypocritical enough to not to the same with my current crush, but odds are one of us is outgoing?