Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Beach Blog #2 Loving Every Minute

I'm sitting on the beach, creamy white sand between my toes and dusting my brown jandals (thongs, for those of you who don't understand my Kiwi lingo). Just arriving here has washed away all of my worries, but it also makes me wish that life could always be like this. Why can't it be a beach-front holiday with warm sand all year round? Who needs constant responsibility? Everyone I can see is having a fabulous time. The people who own the mansion next door are lounging about on their million dollar deck, my sister is playing in the water, the sun glistening off her beach blond locks, and down the end of the beach I can see boys and girls flirting with each other as the toss a ball around. Life is good, and although I seem to be a spectator for the moment, I'm loving every minute of it.

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