Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Beach Blog #1 - New Year, New Me

The next few blogs I wrote whilst I was away with my family at our holiday home, right on the beach front. I hope you enjoy!
My New Year kicked off with a bang- literally. My family and I set off some lame fireworks that I had been given just before Guy Fawkes (that's the only time you can buy them here) and then we watched Pretty Woman on TV. Not exactly a thrilling start to 2008, but at least I managed to stay up to midnight, if only because I had the faint hope that Ralph might use the excuse of a mass 'happy New Year' text to contact me. Unsurprisingly, he didn't. I've decided not to let it get to me. The age gap might be too much for him, he might have a girlfriend or - more realistically - he just might not be interested. His loss, I say. 
I've decided that my week away on an idyllic beach is going to show him exactly what he's missing out on. I've going to go back home with a great tan, great skin, and more importantly, a new state of mind. It's sort of my New Year's resolution; throw everything I've got at 2008, don't regret anything and have FUN, which is something I didn't do enough of last year. I'm going to live under the new mantra of 'I am fabulous,' and no one will tell me otherwise, because no one has the right to. In the words of Natalie Wood, right now "I feel stunning and enchanting."

1 comment:

Mr Subtle said...


No, wait - talk first then ask for pics.

Oh how I miss Guy Fawkes day (night more importantly) damn other countries for either not allowing the fantastic thing of fireworks - or totally ignoring the best day of the entire year!

As for Ralph - eh, walk past his store with your "I am fabulous" and see what happens. Perhaps he's not ready for something like that? Or took it as a really bad joke?

So, talking over ... pics?
