Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Another Bullet-Point Blog

I've got about one week until my final year of school starts. I'm filled with excitement and a sense of trepidation about school. I'm good at it, but don't overly enjoy it. I'm more looking forward to escaping high school, ditching most of the people I hang round with and making new, awesome friends at university. I'm going to move out and into one of the boarding houses. I can't wait.

But before all of that, before I even go back to school, there are some things I want to do.

  • There are a million movies I want to see. Talk to Me, Juno, Charlie Wilson's WarAmerican Gangster and Sweeny Todd are top of the list. I saw The Jane Austen Book Club today, and it was quite enjoyable.
  • I want to go shopping! There's a secret sale on at this shop I love, where if you know the password, everything is half price. I've never been to the sale before, but hopefully I can get there sometime over the week. Maybe I'll get a jacket or a scarf...I'm so excited!
  • I want to do some baking or cooking. I haven't done anything for ages, and it makes me sad.
  • I want to start working on my novel again. I was working on it, and I thought it was pretty good. Then I sort of lost it. It's hard to write sex when you haven't done it. I might need to re-work it.
  • I want to write a more substantial blog that makes everyone think.

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