Friday, 1 February 2008

A Review

I just saw Juno. I was a bit nervouse to be honest, because it had been nominated for so many awards, and had so many stellar reviews. At the same time, I was excited. It's about time someone made a movie like this. It's absolutely fantastic. It's hilarious, but I should have taken some tissues with me. I really felt that I could connect with the main character, Juno. She was totally kick-arse, and even getting pregnant didn't stop her from being awesome. Her first sexual encounter results in pregnancy, and that's something that I'm so scared of happening to me. It's lucky I have not yet had the chance to worry about it. And hopefully won't have to worry about.
Anyway, the message here is for you all to go and see it. It's brilliant.

1 comment:

Mr Subtle said...

Juno is a fantastic flick - I saw it the other day. Was expecting something of a comedy or a black drama. Was a nice middle ground, dramatic enough to keep me watching but funny enough to keep me laughing and interested.

Although I am still having nightmares of the running scene at the start. That's a little too much info!