Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Promises to Myself

People always make promises. We rarely keep them, but it's a part of life. I make promises all the time. I rarely keep them, but here are eight promises that I wish to keep:

  1. I will not reach size fourteen until after marriage. I have nothing against size fourteens, but I have never been that size, and I love being a size 10/12. As shallow as it seems, it makes me feel sexy. If I never get married, then I must never become a size fourteen. I don't want to be a horrible spinster who let herself go.
  2. I will not let a boy intentionally mess with my feelings. This may be the hardest promise to keep, because I've seen people just go back to their boys again and again. I don't understand how they can do it, but maybe I'll understand if it ever happens to me.
  3. I will always keep my sense of style. I hate women (and men) who look as though they've put no effort into their appearance. Sure, there are days when all we feel like wearing is crappy sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt, but if we're going to wear those clothes, we aren't going to go any further than the letter box. And if in the horrible circumstance where I do step outside dressed as such, I will wear dramatic make up to jazz myself up.
  4. I will not lose confidence in myself. Sometimes I feel like shit, but I know that I'm not a bad person. I know that some people do find me attractive. I know that I'm fun.
  5. I will continue to have fun in my life, whether it be dancing to my iPod, gossiping with friends, or flirting with a guy.
  6. I will strive to be friendlier. Sometimes I'm not very open to making friends, and I think that it can be a bad thing. I sometimes think that in my attempts to be mysterious or aloof, I'm actually appearing to be snobby.
  7. I will continue to judge people. I know that seems like a strange thing to promise, but I'm always judging people and I love being proved right or wrong. I usually keep these opinions to myself, but it is a good source of entertainment.
  8. I will continue to buy high heels and jackets. High heels make me feel sexy. They make my legs look good. I actually don't own that many high heels, but I hope my collection will continue to grow. I love jackets. At the moment I own about five. That's not a lot, but considering I'm only 17, it's actually quite a few. And I just promised not to slow down.
To the boards now: what about you? Do you have any self centered and shallow promises like my first one? 


nicodemus88 said...

The seventh surprised me, generaly girls hate judgments.
I have got the same view on this, the problem is not to judge, the problem is if you don't change your judgments.
Well I will try making my promises list too.


nicodemus88 said...

Please be kind, I am not very good in English…

1. I will finish my first book “Tales of the veiled moon” until the end of this year. But I won’t deny the texts which come. Because it helps, the times when I write other things help when I come back to it.
2. I will try to look after my weight. I have remained the same weight after loosing some since a long time now maybe I will start trying losing a little more.
3. I will quit smoking.
4. I will keep my faith in my writings. I will make no other concessions than the ones I agree too. I make people cry when I’ve read them, I’ve made people like my characters … hell I make women giving pleasure to them with my erotic writings. So I prefer few people adore my writings than a lot like it.
5. I will continue to look for women’s thoughts about my writings because their comments are more precise and honest (and useful by the way) and it makes my female characters more interesting. And gosh I like my female characters a lot.
6. I will continue to sing, sure I am one of the worst singer on the earth but I like to sing, I like feeling the vibes on my body, the rhythm of my breath and the rare times when I feel that I’ve sang a part of a song right.
7. I will continue to judge people. I know that seems like a strange thing to promise, I find it normal to try to understand how people are the first time you saw them, it’s a form a protection, you judge this person has bad sides you can protect yourself. BUT I stay open and if people prove me wrong I change my view. I like when I am wrong.
8. I will keep reading your blog !

sixteensecrets said...

I like the last one the best :)

nicodemus88 said...

Well Six, honestly the eighth is the only one I think I will keep for sure. ^^