Sunday, 29 July 2007

A French Postcard

When Keira and Scarlett posed for this photo, I was inspired. This photo is full of class, yet incredibly sexy. I've always liked the thought of nude photos, but not the gaudy pornographic ones. French postcards, I think they were called. The majority of them showed little nudity, but at the time, were highly erotic to the gents carrying them off to war. These are the sorts of photographs I would like of myself, and would most certainly take if I had my own computer and Internet line. Somehow my father stumbling across pictures of his half naked daughter is unappealing.

Some of the photos I looked at I would be far too chicken to ever take, mostly because of the amount of cellulite and my poor abilities at photo editing, but some of these photos are tasteful and exude sexual appeal. I think I like the thought of these photos because at heart, I want to be lusted over, and want other women to be jealous of me.

Anyone taken French Postcard photos? Why? Show me them?

Saturday, 28 July 2007

dom·i·na·tion - noun.

I like the thought of dominating. I'm a natural born leader - loud voice, relatively intelligent and most times, I listen to others. I have various fantasies involving domination, ranging from the stereotypical S&M garb to sexy spies interrogating a prisoner to Queen Cleopatra ruling over her great Egyptian empire, using her sexual prowess to entice Cesar and Marc Antony,

Why is it that I have such fantasies? I think there are several reasons behind these feelings. The already mentioned leadership is an obvious one, but as I delve deeper into the meaning behind my erotic wants, I begin to realise that it's more than just my leadership skills.

At school, I'm the bottom of the heap in my group of friends. I'm the Tom Robinson of this Maycomb County, discriminated against just because I'm a seemingly easy target. I get picked on constantly, supposedly in good humour. My female name is change to the male version and I get my hair ruffled despite the widely known knowledge that I hate people touching my hair. Here, I can clearly see the links between my school life and my horny imagination. I want to dominate so that I can be in charge, so that I can pick on someone for a change.

Perhaps another reasons is being the middle child in my family - an older sister who constantly picks on you, is rude to your entire family and generally sucks is a sure fire reason, isn't it? Sometimes I wish I could tell her to shut up/

I hope I'm not the only one out there who delved deep into their sexual fantasies, trying to find meaning in them. Let me know, kay?

Thursday, 26 July 2007

A Night to Remember

I've kissed more girls than most sixteen year old girls have. A friend of mine, John* used to have 'spa parties,' where we'd try to cram as many people as we could into his four person spa. I think the record was thirteen. Anyway, being dared to kiss girls was a common occurrence. It was there that I first made out with Mimi* and Roxie*. Roxie wasn't that good, in my opinion. I don't want your tongue shoved down my throat.

The night after New Year's, I went over to my friend Demi's* place with Mimi. Demi had spent New Year's alone, so we decided to recreate the night. We watched some below average movies and discussed boys, friends and sex - a common occurrence when with Mimi. Around midnight we made our way up to Demi's room to talk while drifting to sleep. We were home alone, so there was no reason to stay quiet. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but the talk moved onto breasts. Now, I'm generally recognised to have the 'perfect' breasts, big, but not huge and utterly squeezable, according to Mimi. In true Mimi fashion, she did just that and made a cute little noise. I returned the favour.

That's where it began. The feeling over PJ's went to under, a quick grab of the breasts at first, and then as we grew more confident with each other it turned into trailing our fingers sensually over stomachs, and up onto pert nipples. It didn't feel strange like a heterosexual would expect, it felt normal. It felt good. Mimi crawled up on top of me and ran her hands under my top, pulling it up but not off. Demi, in the beginning was shy and more content to watch in fascination what was happening in her bed, and as Mimi sat on my slowly rocking hips, I extended a hand and reached under Demi's Metallica t shirt, slowly encouraging her to join in as Mimi fondled me. She too, extended a hand to Demi and touched her gently. She slowly rolled of me and next to her, and my trembling hands moved to Mimi, who cried out when her breasts were grabbed hard. Myself, I preferred to be caressed softly, something Mimi did well. Once again our confidence grew, we dared to go further with each other - although not a lot further. I ran my finger up Mimi's thigh, but chickened out and returned to her pert nipples that I sampled in my mouth.

This erotic experience continued until three in the morning, when we called it quits and fell asleep in the bed, arms entwined. The next morning, it was as if nothing had happened. Although no body mentioned it, there was no awkwardness between us. It was almost as if this was a regular occurrence. I almost wondered if it was a dream, but it wasn't. It was three girls experimenting, something I think that all girls should try. It didn't convert me to homosexuality - I still want the touch of a man against my skin, but it helped me to discover what I like, how I like to be touched. Although I'm ready for a guy to come along, if I was alone with Mimi in a bed again, I know that chances are, there would be a repeat performance. Maybe we'd even go further so that when our Prince Charmings' arrive, we can tell them how we like it.

*Names changed. Do you think I really have friend's called Roxie and Mimi? I wish.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

First Blog

I've never done a blog before. I needed somewhere to express the secrets of my sixteen year old self. And I mean, all secrets. I'm a sexually charged girl who has yet to do the deed, but there's no denying the fantasies I've had - and want. Granted, this is going to have a lot of moaning on it. It's hard not to moan when you're my age, I won't necessarily discuss who I'm 'crushing on,' mostly because I haven't done such thing for awhile. My aim of this is to be completely honest, and bar name changes, I will be.

As the title suggests, I'm sixteen years old. Although only for a few months more. I have friends, although sometimes I wonder why I'm always the one that gets picked on. I have short hair, but no, I'm not a lesbian. I thought about it for while, but the majority of the already mentioned fantasies contain men. I have had some pretty sexual experiences with girls, however. I've gone further with my own sex than I have with a male, and I've kissed more girls than boys. No wonder people think I'm a lesbian. It's because there's not kissable boys in my vicinity.

I haven't had a real boyfriend. I've had boyfriends, but two months of text messages hardly constitutes as a relationship. I'm not saying I want a boyfriend, but I am saying that I would like a boy to be 'crushing' on me for a change, rather than my older sister, who in my cruel opinion, is no better looking than me. See? Told you there would be moaning.

In conclusion to my first blog, I'm sixteen. I have secrets. I want sex. I want a man to like me, and I have more sexual fantasies than a girl my age probably should. In short, I am me.