Wednesday, 25 July 2007

First Blog

I've never done a blog before. I needed somewhere to express the secrets of my sixteen year old self. And I mean, all secrets. I'm a sexually charged girl who has yet to do the deed, but there's no denying the fantasies I've had - and want. Granted, this is going to have a lot of moaning on it. It's hard not to moan when you're my age, I won't necessarily discuss who I'm 'crushing on,' mostly because I haven't done such thing for awhile. My aim of this is to be completely honest, and bar name changes, I will be.

As the title suggests, I'm sixteen years old. Although only for a few months more. I have friends, although sometimes I wonder why I'm always the one that gets picked on. I have short hair, but no, I'm not a lesbian. I thought about it for while, but the majority of the already mentioned fantasies contain men. I have had some pretty sexual experiences with girls, however. I've gone further with my own sex than I have with a male, and I've kissed more girls than boys. No wonder people think I'm a lesbian. It's because there's not kissable boys in my vicinity.

I haven't had a real boyfriend. I've had boyfriends, but two months of text messages hardly constitutes as a relationship. I'm not saying I want a boyfriend, but I am saying that I would like a boy to be 'crushing' on me for a change, rather than my older sister, who in my cruel opinion, is no better looking than me. See? Told you there would be moaning.

In conclusion to my first blog, I'm sixteen. I have secrets. I want sex. I want a man to like me, and I have more sexual fantasies than a girl my age probably should. In short, I am me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good start girl...I've been reading your blog tonight so I posted some comments but finally I decided to sign up, so can leave some comments and that you know is me...