Wednesday, 5 September 2007

My French Postcard

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Here they very first French postcards! No judging. Yes, tanlines and flabs exist in the real worl. Get over it. But here you are, oggle away.


Cali Girl said...

Nicely done, they look great!

sixteensecrets said...

Thanks. Who knew taking your clothes off could be such fun? Well... I'm sure quite a few people did.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done


Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful body and you should feel good about it. You are not defined by what the people around you say. If I ever learned anything at all about growing up in a small town it was that. I'm a guy who lives in Los Angeles now and I see beautiful women every day. I know what they look like. You are one.

Cowcharge said...

Ogle ogle ogle :)

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful body. Thank you for showing that even though you think you've got flab, you're proud enough to show it off.