Sunday, 16 December 2007

Love across the Way.

SAWG and I talked again yesterday. He approached me all three times, which shows promise. As already mentioned, I work in a bookstore, and out front we have large tables full of books. I was tidying these up when he came up from one pile, and moved it to another pile. I could almost consider that to be flirting. My aim next time is to be more playful... Drop the hint that I am TOTALLY in love with him. And introduce myself, and get his name. Scary!


Anonymous said...

>>I was tidying these up when he came up from one pile, and moved it to another pile. I could almost consider that to be flirting.

One of the best kinds, book-flirting, second only to sharing the newspaper with a stranger.

Anonymous said...

I second noodles, exactly what I thought.

As a man, it is difficult to write women characters but some things like this help a lot. I can hear your voice when I read you. It is very pleasant.

I like how you 're writing.

Don't stop.
