Sunday, 17 May 2009

The End.

I have never felt more thankful for my friend James than last night.

We were in town, and I walked into a club with my friend Lana, looked up and saw Kip making out with a girl. I turned and felt. She hardly knows me, yet she ran out with me and sat there on the sidewalk with me as I sobbed pathetically. I told her that I was going to go home, but she didn't have to come. I texted James and said,
"I just saw Kip making out with another girl. I feel sick and I'm going home." She helped me hail a cab and I leaped inside, still crying. Then my phone rang,
"Six, it's James. Where are you?"
"I'm- I'm - in a-a-a cab," I sobbed. "I feel sick, I don't want to be here anymore."
"Get out of the taxi. Meet me in The Den."
"I want to go home."
"Get out of the taxi." I sighed and hung up. 
"Can you drop me off here?" I said to the taxi driver. I think he was relieved that he didn't have to take a crying girl home.
"Yes, it's fine. Are you ok?"
"Yes, thank you." I paid him $3 and got out and walked down the street towards The Den. When I arrived, James met me outside and I fell into his arms. He sat me down and let me sob into his shirt.
"Don't worry about it, Six. I know you're upset, but when there's nothing happening between you, you've got to expect it. You should be out there hooking up with guys tonight too."
I just cried.
"You deserve it. Tonight you look beautiful, and if you just opened your eyes you'd see that every single guy here tonight is checking you out. You don't need Kip. He's come out of a pathetic relationship with a fifteen-turned-sixteen year-old. He's miles behind you in the dating world. You deserve someone better."
He took me inside, made me smile, and then made me go and hit on the sports stars that were all standing around the bar. I did, and ended up spending the rest of my night in town with one guy. I hooked up with him, and he even asked if he could come home with me. I declined, but did give him my number. He invited me to the sports game next week with him, but I don't think I'll go. I can't handle the possibility of a relationship. I'm just going to take my time getting into anything else.

I came home at about 3 with a friend of mine and hopped into bed. I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes I could see them kissing. Luckily at 4.30 my friend knocked on my door and said,
"I walked into a wall!" He had blood dripping down his head, so I got to play nurses and clean him up. Then he complained that he was dizzy so I made him stay the night with him so that I could check he was still alive during the night.
At about 7 in the morning I decided to empower myself. I texted Kip and said,
"I just want you to know that I'm not the same person anymore, and pandering to your every need isn't going to happen anymore. Fixing your shirts, doing your hair, putting food away for you when you ask me. It's not going to happen anymore because it's me clinging to a false hope that I saw last night does not exist. I'm not going to be that girl anymore because it's pathetic and I deserve better."

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