Monday, 1 September 2008

Making Moves

I'm afraid that I may have turned into a bit of a skank. I have a friend (who has the body of Achilles) who is moving away soon, and I plan on making a move on him. Not a big move, but something in the form of a farewell so that he won't forget who I am. A movie style kiss, perhaps.

But this is a week after I broke up with my boyfriend. Granted, we were only going out for three weeks, but is that not a little inappropriate? I'm still going to do it if he has a party, because I've always found him hot and I figure that he's leaving so I won't see him again. It just concerns me slightly that I'm doing it.

I think it might be in part that my friends are all old enough to go clubbing and when they go out they hook up with different guys each time, and sometimes more than one in a night. I think I want to be in on it, although maybe not to that extent.

Hey, I'm young. Shouldn't I be making the most of my youth while I can still get away with it?


Anonymous said...

Uh, yes, darling. Hook-up often; don't be retarded about it or you'll get The AIDS or even worse...preggers. But yes, I can't impart enough how much you need to experience life and the people in it, as much as you can.

Cowcharge said...

"Skanky" is a subjective term. In my mind, there is a difference between healthy recreational sex (friends with bennies handled with maturity, with both people knowing what they're in for) and screwing anyone who shows an interest, or screwing someone in order to give your self-worth a boost. Some may say it's only a matter of degree, but to me, the reason for the sex makes a difference. Just be advised, the gossip world never sees the difference, in anything.