Tuesday, 16 September 2008


It's just over a month until I'm eighteen. I'm not that excited, as I'll still have to go to school, do exams and work. I'd like to think that it'll bring me something new, but the reality is it probably won't.

We've booked a restaurant in the city for my party, but I'm not sure if I want a big party anymore. I'm going to go out clubbing no matter what, so maybe I should be doing something more symbolic, different and exciting to mark the big one eight?

My thoughts as to what I could do are as follows:
  • Bungee jump or do something equally exciting
  • Mum said they might be able to give me the money that it would cost for the party and I could put it towards a trip
  • Go on a day trip
  • Go on a shopping trip
So far I like the thought of a trip or jumping off a building the most.


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe put it towards the trip to Africa? Although I can definitly recommend the Bungee Jump. One of the things I'll never forget and quite existential as well.. Bit like jumping out a perfectly good airplane.. But what a rush!

Cowcharge said...

Oh, take the trip! No question! Go somewhere completely foreign, no English-speaking countries! It'll teach you more than your whole senior year, and be fun at the same time.