Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Eighteen for Eighteen

I want to compile a list of Eighteen things to do in my Eighteenth year. I turn eighteen in October, so I've started it just a little bit late, but I suppose I have until I turn nineteen to try and complete them. The only problem is that I'm not really sure where to start. I've got a few things down (see below), but I'm not really happy with them. I guess this will have to be an ongoing thing. If you've got any ideas, I'm keen to hear them.
  1. Hook up with a really hot guy. Or at least a guy with an incredible body.
  2. Buy alcohol legally.
  3. Vote.
  4. Feel satisfied - truly satisfied - with something I have achieved.
  5. Do something crazy, whether it be something I'm scared of or something that will shock everyone else.