Saturday, 4 April 2009

This Is All About Kip.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. My internet ran out, and I wasn't exactly going to use someone else's to blog about all my secrets. I'm home now for two weeks on Easter break. I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog anymore because I'm so bad at updating, so I'll give you a quick rundown on my life. Let me know if you're still interested and I might post a bigger blog on points you would like to know more about.

My Life in the Past Week:
  • As I said, Kip and I are taking it slow. That doesn't stop him from being in my room every night and having giant make out sessions in my bed. I like him very much.
  • I brought up the fact that I'm still a virgin. It took me ages to say it, but I wanted him to know that before we actually got together. Turns out he's one as well (which just shows you really cannot tell who is and who isn't), and that made me relax a lot more because it means that there's no pressure and that we can truly take it slowly.
  • We went home from town early on Thursday because we were the only sober ones and weren't having any fun. He got a text from his ex, and I asked him if I was the rebound girl. He said, "I'd be lying if I said I was a hundred percent sure that you aren't," which felt like a big slap in the face. We talked about it some more though, and he said that he wants there to be an us after the holidays. The night ended with a mega make out session and a little bit of dry-humping.
  • He came up to my room this morning and we made out in my bed until he had to leave for his basketball tournament. I don't want to spend two weeks without a kiss!


Anonymous said...

We're still reading!

Kiera said...

I like this Kip kid (so far) and I'm very jealous of your classic nightly make-outs.

Keep the posts coming!