Wednesday, 8 April 2009

My Degree

I'm doing what Americans call a 'liberal arts degree.' Here, it's called a 'bachelor of arts.' Not really knowing what I want to do with my life, I've decided that three years on a 'bugger all' degree might give me some ideas.

Because it's the arts, I'm doing english, history, theatre studies and media studies.  A lot of my papers revolve around film, and it's made me more interested in film reviews, so maybe that's a path I might think about heading down. I love university, it's the best time of my life and moving away from home has been the best decision I ever made.

I know that's basic, but I'm supposed to be writing an essay, when all I want to do is drive to the next city to see Kip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, no, Americans do not get "Bachelor's of Arts" without it being in a specific area. So, no, a liberal arts degree is not the same.

Americans can get a B.A. in many, many subjects -- English, history, philosophy, etc. However, it is still a degree in a particular subject.