Sunday, 26 April 2009

Getting Over It.

It didn't take me long to get over Kip. In a way I think it's good that we didn't get together, because I suspect if it had happened, he might have liked me more than I would have liked him, because it had been him who had made the first moves in the beginning. But maybe not.

Two of our friends have gotten together. They got together Monday night, and told us yesterday. Three of us are a bit cynical. Joe got out of a two year relationship just over a month ago, and Sophie got still talks about her ex. We think that she likes him a lot more than he likes her, and that she's going to become very possessive of him. Derek's bet is that it will last just a month. Mine is that it will last two, but it will end on Joe's terms, and Sophie will be heartbroken. I realise this sounds very hypocritical of me. I'm not stupid, but if it had been Kip and I, we would have gone about it differently. 

On another little side note, last night in town Derek said I was one of his best friends here and that made me feel very special. I know he said 'one of,' but it's still nice to hear something like that.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

"because I suspect if it had happened, he might have liked me more than I would have liked him, because it had been him who had made the first moves in the beginning. But maybe not."

Judging by your previous post, especially the last one, I do not think that would have been the problem with the relationship.