Friday, 21 November 2008

Down There

After discovering that I was mentioned on ParadoxLost's blog (which I am honoured), I read through some of my old blogs. This one isn't particularly old, but I wanted to blog about it again, because I realise that is such a short space of time.

Yes, he touched me 'down there,' and no, at the time I didn't enjoy. However, it happened to me again recently when I went clubbing. It was a stranger this time, I'd been dancing with him for awhile, and although I probably shouldn't have let him do it, I bloody well enjoyed the way he worked his fingers.

Why did I enjoy that, but not my own boyfriend? I sat down recently to think about it. I discounted the effects of alcohol, because I'd had a lot in both episodes. I guess it might be because it had never happened to me before, and also because he seemed like such a gentleman, and I didn't really expect him to do something like that He also frequently said things like, "do you like that," or when I pulled him away, "did I get there?" like a revolting little teenager. I never knew the guy in the club before hand, and know I'll never see him again. I guess that helped a little bit. And also because I hadn't painted him into being some sort of gentleman. Guys in clubs are not gentlemen, I realised that before I put my makeup on for the night.

I'm ready for more of that sort of stuff now. All I need is to find a guy.


Anonymous said...

You asked my advice on how a girl like you can "get the guys"... and believe me, there are lots of "filthy and crazy" ways, but that all comes after you've snagged your man...
... And I hate to sound like a cheesy advice columnist, but the best thing you can do is be nothing but yourself. The girls who have confidence, the girls who are secure with themselves, can look in the mirror and love themselves for exactly who and what they are... those are the girls that men-- anybody-- will like the most and be attracted to.

A girl does not need a man to define her as a "wanted and desired" person. A girl does not need a man to make her feel beautiful (well, not completely, at least... it's always nice when someone finds you attractive, but your confidence shouldn't hinge on other people's opinion of you). And finally, a girl needs to love herself before she can let anyone else love her.... and actually, that goes for anybody.

Where I'm going with all this touchy-feely stuff, is that men (and women) are attracted to CONFIDENCE above anything else... more than big boobs, a thin waist, a pretty face, or a tight arse. If you radiate pure confidence-- sprinkle in a dash of arrogance (just a dash, though; don't get cocky, kid), anybody is going to be attracted to you. And you can only get that self-confidence, by actually being self-confident. Accept and love yourself for exactly who you are, because guess what Sixteen Secrets... you ARE fucking awesome. And I think you know it.

BUT... all this gay-crap aside, to answer your question in superficial terms (and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as all this comes secondary).... EYE CONTACT is a huge thing. If you're talking to a guy you like and you keep looking him straight in the eyes, flash a shy little smile, it's almost hypnotizing. A lot of connection between people is made in the eyes, which is something a lot of people overlook (no pun intended). You can say a lot with a "look" without having to throw yourself all over a dude.

Also, I AM a guy after all, so I won't lie that flattering clothing that fits your body and showcases (what you think) are your best "assets" can only help ;-) (aka, push those boobs up!)

Just don't be a slut. Don't lower yourself to throwing yourself all over a guy... especially if you're drunk 'cause that just reeks of desperation. You're a queen. Don't be a bitch and make a guy crawl on his hands and knees to you, but don't let him in your pants after 10 minutes of knowing him, either. Unless he's really cute.

Anyway, I think I've taken up enough space. I know none of this is" crazy and filthy"-- but like I said, save that stuff for the bedroom ;-) I have plenty of advice for that, too, when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

Slow down/Hurry Up - Perhaps read