Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Shots in the Bathroom

Number 11 on our list of Eighteen Things to do while we're Eighteen is drink before school. That was something pretty rebellious that we didn't really think we'd achieve.
We were wrong.
Today, as we were heading to the study hall, Ashley said to me, "you know that thing on our list?"
"What thing?"
"About drinking before school?"
"I've got two shots in my bag."

Instead of going directly to study hall, we headed down to the bathrooms where she pulled out the two shots. We pulled off the foil, looked at each other and knocked them back quickly. Neither of us had eaten breakfast, and they did hit us. We got rid of the evidence by shoving the plastic glasses in the sanitary bin, and then giggled our way to study hall, high off the fact that we'd just done the naughtiest thing we'd ever done in our five years of high school.
Nothing like a bit of teenage rebellion with only SIX days of high school left.

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