Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Plucking my Flower

My friend just offered to take my virginity. Not in a dodgy way, either. I'd texted him and said, "you know you're the only one for me," and he'd replied with,
"I know you're mine. I'll utilise that privilege one day soon,"
"A girl can only wait for so long."
"Maybe when you're ready. I mean, a girl's first time is pretty special."


I'm trying to decipher whether he was serious. Then I have some thinking to do. This guy is fabulous. I love him, as both a friend and as something else. It's not exactly complicated, but it is. I can't explain what I feel for him. He also has a pregnant ex-girlfriend. They broke up mutually, and he's still going to be there for the baby.
But fuck. Quite literally. I've always thought that losing it to a friend might be nice, rather than an actual relationship. And I know he's treat me right, and take care of me. He even warned me awhile ago during one of our regular d&ms that a girl's first time "hurts like a bitch."
