Saturday, 14 August 2010

Tell Me...

Tell me the tale of your first heartbreak. Tell me how you felt. Tell me how it happened, tell me why it happened.

Tell me how you learned to let go and become yourself again, to accept who you are without them.

Tell me so I can learn.


Doug said...

My first heartbreak seemed extremely senseless. I was a junior in HS and she was a senior, about to graduate and head off to college. She didn't want to do the distance thing. Or even finish out the summer! She just needed to move on to the next part of her life. She knew the distance wouldn't work, but did not want to wait to see it fail. It struck me as completely unfair. Why wasn't our relationship worth any effort to keep? Why was I abandoned? It was so great!
She made the right decision. We are still on better terms than I am with anyone I've dated after that.
It was rough coming to terms with it at the time. I met someone else really great a few months after that didn't really turn into anything, but did remind me that there are other compatible people in the world that exist. I think mostly just time.

Anonymous said...

Fell in love with Victoria, my grade 11 summer girlfriend. We were involved in everything in school through graduation. The summer after grade 12 she wanted to do it. We were happily, I thought, together for 6 months and then she wanted to date other people. Broke my heart. For three days I couldn't eat and felt like throwing up anyway. After that I focused heavily on school and sports and forgot all about women. Two years later at a dance a taller than me, red head, in my third year English class came up to me at the University pub and asked to dance. Of course she stole my heart for 6 months and then moved on. I wasn't so bummed out this time but didn't think about women for months until I met my future wife. She was the first younger woman I had ever dated - by three years. She was a friend of my sisters and we knew each other for years before we ever dated. We traveled in Europe platonically in a van for several months and had a ball before we actually consummated the relationship.

Anonymous said...

Go drugs!
Don't select any natural way to get happy again!
Why not Go Go Go popular legally prescribed drugs.
Pump more money into Big-Pharma!
May we suggest "Oxycontin" a popular derivative Down-under and around the Commonwealth and USofA

Anonymous said...

I was dumped by a girl I hoped to marry at 24. I was pretty miserable for two months and somewhat miserable for two more.

Thirty some years on, I am deeply grateful to her.

You are a fine young woman. You need someone who thinks having you in his life is an honor and a privelige.

Don't hurt yourself or be so hArd on yourself.

Anonymous said...

There are so very many other anacdotes about being hurt and dumped by a "love of a life", often the first lover THAT some years later was the best thing that ever happened to an eventually happily married soul mate. Move on. Find out who Sixteen is deep inside. Be happy with yourself and then consider mates.