Wednesday, 4 August 2010

He's moved on to another girl.

Oh sorry, he's moved back to a girl.

The girl he broke up with for me.

That fucking bastard.

I hate him.

I know he is allowed to. But I thought he would have more respect than that. And to go to her of all people.

I guess I deserve it. He did cheat on her with me. Karma.


Anonymous said...

Where to begin? It would appear, that there is a lot of learning for Sixteen to do, if and when she goes back over her own Blog. That learning will be so necessary to do if she is ever to understand what love is all about. So far she has been in lust followed by what she calls “love”.

Aug. 2009 – First there was off and on Kip.

Fri. Aug. 14, 2009 – “I don't feel guilty, but disappointed because I think he's too honourable to ditch his girl. But if only I'd made a move a week earlier!"

Sun. 16 Aug. – “I feel cheap today. I was the girl that I hoped I'd never be. We're talking about it now, and I'm just trying to figure out whether we're going to go anywhere. If he doesn't break up with his girlfriend, then that's it, I'm out and moving on”.

Sun. Aug. 23, 2009 – And the sly seduction of Sixteen begins.

Thurs. Sept. 10, 2009 - “Things with Jake are still going well, even with the death stares from the ex. She can get fucked. Jake and I have been together now for as long as they were (that's right, three weeks. Hardly enough to count), so she needs to grow up.

Tues. Dec. 22, 2009 “He's not a virgin-hunter” “we broke my father's rules” “He's also quite mature- more mature than me I'd say. He's been through a lot - his Dad was abusive…” “That's the end of my defence of Jake. He's a wonderful guy, end of story. If these nasty comments keep coming, I'm going to start writing about unicorns and ponies. …” All things considered – Hmmmm! – maybe it’s time to start writing about Unicorns and Ponies

Jan 31, 2010 - “Jake is a New Apostolic Christian” and “I live with the belief that if you do good things, good things will come to you” – pretty ironic all things considered.

sixteensecrets said...

I agree. I deserve this completely.

I just wonder how he's managed to get off scott-free.

Doug said...

You don't deserve this! You don't *deserve* anything. That's just not how the universe functions. It's not something the universe cares about.

Sometimes people set up a notion of justice, and they care about who deserves what under that system. But I don't think Jake was motivated by a sense that you should be punished or rewarded with a relationship.

So in neither sense is the notion of *deserving* likely to be fruitful. You have to detach from that narrative and just let it be a thing that happened.

I think people often blame themselves because they can trade in guilt for control, and they're willing to think less of themselves in exchange for thinking they at least had some agency. But you don't actually acquire any extra agency in this way.

At least, this is how I look at things.

Anonymous said...

Well said Doug

The Universe is just one huge chaotic uncontrolled furnace.

My father was in the front lines for Canada from Italy to Normandy and 5 Israeli battles with only a few scratches. Other’s beside him stepped up in their very first engagement, took a bullet through the head and were gone.

Some couples get and stay happily married to their high school sweethearts. Most people don’t.

I believe the best way to possibly find your soul-mate is to really learn who 16 is; to really focus on 16 and 16’s education and that includes working and traveling now.

Some people have a poorly conceived idea of what they think they want to do, get all educated for it and then discovery they hate that kind of work.

Go out get some experience in real life, volunteering with some community group you have a passion for. In time you will come across someone who has the same loves you do and that is a huge step towards being friends with some you can truly fall in REAL love with.

Remember - There is no Karma – but it is one way of looking at things to try to understand.
If there was Karma GW Bush would have been accidentally shot hunting years ago.

The only rules that apply in life are perhaps thermodynamics and Newton’s Three Laws.
There is no rhyme nor reason and sex and love are a crapshoot at best.

Jake may or may not have been guilty of playing you, 16, BUT that doesn’t matter.
He found out that you were not the one for him and he moved on or backwards, now you must move on and the only mistake you can make is in not learning what you will or might do differently next time.

The greatest thing about this particular relationship with Jake is that you’ve had a lesson in Love 101. Learn from it the way you do so well from the English 101, Philo 100, and Bio 110s.

No mistakes were made, except perhaps the bottle thing, but learn not to do that again.

Huron_Serenity said...

No, you didn't deserve it, but you should have saw it coming even before you started the relationship.

Reflex said...

I'm not sure what you think you deserve. He broke up with you. He did so honestly. After doing so he went out with a woman he'd dated before. This is not a blow to you. In fact it has *nothing* to do with you. Not a damn thing. He is single and decided to go out with someone he happened to date for a short time before.

You are the one trying to make it about you. Stop. Its got nothing to do with you and from what you've said on this blog, he didn't do anything wrong and you were not punished for anything. You keep saying he gets off scot free, but from what? How did he harm you? You are the one punishing yourself, he's got nothing to do with it.