Wednesday, 30 December 2009

A Big Fat Fuck You.

Believe it or not, but this blog is about me. This gives me the right to write about me. And sure, right now my life's pretty great - however, if you had read my entire blog, you would know that my life has not always been great. I go through the same teenage angst as everyone else. Try these ones, Needs, The C Word or Good News and Bad
How dare you judge me for being happy. If you are unhappy, then I am sorry, but don't try and bring me down. I already have a sister who tries to do that, I don't need to have it here on my blog where I write about what I like. If I choose not to share the special facts about Jake (like how he surprised me by taking me to a movie he didn't want to see for my birthday, and the zoo. How he invited me to stay with his family on a holiday. How when he took my virginity he couldn't stop apologising for having hurt me. How he tells me that with each passing day that he doesn't see me, he feels more strongly about me).

Sure, this is the first time I've been in love. I never said he was perfect, or that we're going to get married and have children. All I said was that I'm happy. If this offends you, then stop reading my blog.


Nate said...

Wow...I've been reading your blog for a while but I've never really looked at the comments till now.

What a bunch of arseholes! This blog is about your life. It's a way for you to express emotions that you wouldn't necessarily be able to show to people you know. We're the people who are lucky enough to actually read them.

If I find a blog I don't like, I don't read it. It's unbelievable that people feel they can pass judgement on people they know nothing about.

Seriously though, if you're happy with Jake then I'm happy for you and I believe that the majority of people that read your blog are happy for you too.

Don't waste time feeding the trolls.

Rant over.

Anonymous said...

We read "reality blogs" with fascination and curiosity just waiting for that reality to hit, and the crash and burn.

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Jacks said...

I *JUST* came across your blog, I hit the next from mine and voila. So This is only the 3rd entry I've read, but I already love it. I get the same flack on my blog if I get ranty or bitchy. It's like, no, fuck you, I will write what I want and if you dont't like it, go fuck yourself!! I'm excited now to read the rest of your posts!