Tuesday, 22 December 2009

What's The Deal?

This blog isn't as fun anymore now that every comment is about how much of a creep Jake is. Which, for the record, he is not.

He's not in a gang- the first time he was attacked he was walking home with some mates and guy walked out and tried to mug them. Jake took the attack, wrestled the guy to the ground and held him in a choke hold until the cops arrived. On Saturday night, he and his mates were waiting for their ride home when two young guys from the Mongrel Mob (his mates think it might have been some sort of initiation) and started trouble. For the first time in his life, Jake told them that he didn't want any trouble. They told him that it was too late, and one of the guys punched him with a knuckle duster. He's from a small town, and so violence from gangs is higher than it is in the bigger cities.

He's not a virgin-hunter, thank you very much. Mine was the first virginity he's taken, and when I make jokes about having threesomes with another guy he tells me "no ways would I ever let that happen. You've only had me and I want to keep it that way." And before you go ranting about how he'd probably be happy to have a threesome with another chick, you're wrong. He said that thought makes him feel uncomfortable because he'd feel like he was cheating on me. And yes, he cheated on his girlfriend with me. But he and his girlfriend were only together for two weeks, if that before we got together, and most people wouldn't even consider that to be a relationship. Jake and I have been together for four months, and I'd trust him with my life. He talks about the future with me - moving in together in our third year, and even getting engaged (but not until we finish uni). Not of it's ever in a "this is what we're going to do" way, but in a "wouldn't it be cool if we stayed together" kind of way.

Yes, when Jake came round, we broke my father's rules. However, if I hadn't wanted to break them, he would have been happy to stay in his own room. Did you never break your parents rules? Not ever? If you didn't, then what a boring teenage life you must have had to have never done anything that they didn't approve of.

For those of you that are interested, Jake is 18 years old, turning 19 in May, so he's about 5 months younger than me. He's also quite mature- more mature than me I'd say. He's been through a lot - his Dad was abusive (and no Jake's never laid a finger on me- he's not that guy), and so he's been through the divorce of his parents and then moving to a new country where he knew no one and had no one but his immediate family with him.

That's the end of my defence of Jake. He's a wonderful guy, end of story. If these nasty comments keep coming, I'm going to start writing about unicorns and ponies. I'm not stupid. If Jake turns out not to be the right thing for me, then I'll leave him.


DougOnBlogger said...

Hooray, now it's my turn to judge you! Why on earth did you spend more than a second's thought on the stupid comments left by some anonymous troll? Terrible decision making. Tsk tsk.

Kiera said...

WTF? I've been reading you thru my reader so I've missed all this comment drama.

Not that any opinions in the comments actually matter, I've like this kid from the get-go. If you like him and he treats you right, it doesn't matter what the fuck anyone else thinks.

And Doug? Way to be a asshole. Your comment comes across way more douchey than satirical.

DougOnBlogger said...

I am sincerely supportive of Six's decisions about Jake, and about all she's posted in general. And I suppose commenting on blogs is odd - I certainly know more about her than she does about me, and thus it's probably a mistake to presume the level of familiarity that makes it OK to leave a comment of that nature. But what can I say, in my natural state I'm a sarcastic fuck.

Anonymous said...

Lady McBeth Sixteen doth protest too much, methinks!