Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Exams, Jake and Abuse

Just one more exam to go and I will officially be finished my first year of university. I feel so old! I should be studying, but I can't seem to do more than two hours a day without getting majorly distracted.

On another note, my parents said that Jake could come and stay with us during the Summer break, as long as we sleep in different rooms. This is a big achievement in my household, where the rule used to be 'no boys to stay. Ever.' I think my parents are finally recognising that I'm growing up, or perhaps they just really like Jake. Either way, I'm stoked.

I'm not stoked about the situation with my littler sister, though. Her boyfriend had been seen pushing her to the ground at school. My parents aren't able to do much, because she's said that if they stop her from seeing him, she'll run away. They'd prefer to be able to monitor what he's doing than have her run away and get even more hurt. They've forced her to go to counselling, and that's about as much as they can do for now. I'm hoping that when I get back, I'll be able to help her, even if it's just by spending time with her. It sucks that she's 16 years old and in an abusive relationship. It's even worse that the only person who can truly help her turn this situation around is herself.


DougOnBlogger said...

Yeah, she definitely has to resolve this one. I think the best thing you can do is make it clear that should she want any support, you're ready with it, and there won't be any "I told you so." A lot of people who realize a bad situation later than others might have a hard time admitting they missed it, because maybe they are embarrassed or worried that they missed their opportunity for help or whatever.
Maybe I should resist my impulse to give barely solicited advice though, it is just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps email her and have her look at some Rhianna Chris Brown photos or search youtube - Rhianna Abuse