Wednesday, 28 October 2009


Best birthday ever? I think so.
Gifts from friends made me feel good, and then Jake put me in the car and drove without telling me where we were going. I had to close my eyes, and when we opened them, we were at the zoo. I was totally excited, because we've been talking about going for ages. After we wandered round the zoo, we were off to our next location. He handed me his wallet and told me to look inside. There were two tickets to the movie, The Young Victoria, a movie I've wanted to see for ages, but he'd refused to see with me. I was so excited. He made the day feel so special, and it was topped off when he have me a martini glass, because he believes that "a classy girl needs something classy to drink from, and this strikes me as your sort of glass."

I can't believe I'm 19. This blog has been running for three years! Crazy, huh? This year has probably been one of the biggest years of my life. I moved away from home, made a whole bunch of new friends. I had my heart broken and learnt how to pick up the pieces. I drank, a LOT. I met a guy who makes me feel secure and amazing. I lost my virginity and discovered how great sex can be (FYI: on the weekend I had sex in a tent and in the shower). I joined a gym, I ran out of money, and I think I grew up quite a lot.
I'm looking forward to the next years, and hopefully this blog can continue so that you can all share my experiences with me.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Happy B.Day!!!!