Friday, 20 November 2009

Boy Body Issues

Turns out boys have body issues, too. I mean, I was aware of it - I'm not stupid, but even confident boys worry if their body isn't good enough.

I'm talking about this today because my boyfriend texted me, saying he had something to ask that was bugging him.
"Are you happy with my body? Like, are you happy with me?"
"What? Are you serious? I love your body. I love your arms and your back especially."
"Yeah, I'm being serious. I guess being fat once makes me still think I'm a little bit fat. I saw Taylor Launter in New Moon and ultimately I want to look like that, so next year I'm going to start a new program at the gym to work on toning up."
"Don't let it become your life. If you want to get a body like him, I won't complain, but I love you the way you are and will continue to do so whether you have the body of Jacob or not."

Now, Jake's not a skinny guy, so his toning up to look like the New Moon wolf is not unrealistic. He's bulky, but lacks the definition that stereotypically makes a man sexy. Well, not stereotypically. I'm not going to complain if he wants to tighten up, but as it is, to me he is still perfect the way he is. He has an amazingly warm body temperature which I love, because I always seem to be cold. Who needs a blanket when you can snuggle up to your own personal heater with arms to wrap around you and make you feel secure.

It doesn't matter what his body's like, I fell in love with him and not his body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most westerners eat way to much crap, calories and fast food fat and don;t get enough exercise. Less food and more movement might help.