Monday, 3 August 2009

Swine and Mc Donald's.

The ball itself was lame, but getting dressed up and taking photos beforehand was awesome. I looked wonderful, if I do say so myself. My blue dress complimented my skin which had decided to clear up for the night.

Last night Kip got really sick (had I mentioned that we're good friends again?), and I mean really sick. His snot was orange, he was pale and said he had a headache. So his brother and I drove him to the hospital because we were worried that it was either meningitis or swine. We got to wait in the hospital for about two and a half hours before a nurse came out and checked his vitals. His heart was racing, so they took him off to do a heart trace. His brother and I started to get a bit worried, but he came back out and said his heart had gone back to normal. Finally he went off to see the doctor who said it probably wasn't swine, but was definitely a bad flu and ordered him away from uni for the rest of the week. We left the hospital at about 12.30 only to be told that his mother was driving from an hour away to pick him up, which meant his brother had to stay up to let her in. I volunteered to stay up with him, and so we drove around the city looking for ice cream. Because the roads were empty, we drove backwards around roundabouts and crossed lanes like we were racing car drivers. I finally made it to bed at about 3:00am.

My day was rather unproductive, because before this I sat in Mc Donald's with Derek, Sandra and Keith from 4:40pm to 8:00pm. It was a very good day though. Minus the swine fears.

1 comment:

Niels said...

So do we get to see this fabulous dress?