Friday, 3 October 2008

Dear Old Dad

I love my Dad. I have so many hilarious memories of him when I was little. One includes him putting bubble mixture up his nose so that he could attempt to blow bubbles out his nose. It only succeeded in him burning his sinuses out.

As I grew up, Dad was always there for me with jokes and silly ideas to make life a little more enjoyable. But now, as I'm older, Dad has less time for all of us. He recently acquired a position at his work place that takes up even more of his already busy schedule. He's always on the phone now, even on his days off - which are few and fair between. When he does have spare time, he's often grumpy from the stress and isn't as willing to share a joke.

I'm glad my dad has worked hard to provide my family with a more than comfortable lifestyle, but sometimes I just wish he had a regular job so I could spend more time with him.

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