Monday, 6 October 2008

Joining the Virgin Debate

I've read a fair few blogs on the virgin debate, and I thought that it was my duty as a virgin blogger to join in.

I am a virgin. At times, I'm ashamed to admit it, but mostly I don't really mind. Most people I'm friends with still have their V stamp, and I'm pretty sure my last boyfriend was also one.

However, I would like to lose it. I'm not waiting around for marriage. I'm not even waiting for love. What I'm looking for is (in my dreams, Jonothan Rhys Meyers) trust. I'd like to lose it to a guy who isn't going to go and tell all his mates straight away, and who won't laugh at me when I don't know what to do.

I'm not a virgin virgin. I've kissed guys (and girls), and had people feel me up. I haven't done oral or anything like that, but when I find the right guy, I know I'll be ready.

1 comment:

Cowcharge said...

You're thinking about the issue ahead of time, which means you're way ahead of the rest when it comes to having it work out the way you want. Don't do it drunk, and do use a condom.