Friday, 10 October 2008

Fuck Feminism

I'm currently in a play that pokes fun at feminism. It's written by a feminist so it's all ok. One of the lines in the play goes something like,

"If we're not allowed to work and we're not allowed to get married and have kids, what ARE we allowed to do?"

It got me thinking. I'm all for women's rights. I'm all for being paid the same amount as men, being allowed to vote and all that, but I also want to get married and have kids. My mum is a housewife, and I am grateful for it. I hope that my partner/husband can earn enough for me to be able to stay home and look after the kids. I want to be able to dress like a woman - I love dresses and skirts and makeup. I'm not doing it for men, I'm doing it for me.

Maybe I don't know the true meaning of feminism. Maybe I've got this all wrong. 

But fuck feminism if it means I can't wear high heels.


Cowcharge said...

"Fuck feminism if I can't wear high heels". Now that's funny, and shows you have not only a sense of humor, but sense, both things that are missing in a lot of feminists. You CAN have both. Feminism does not preclude femininity. Just choose your feminists wisely.

Barbara_Talbot said...

fuck misogyny if I can't wear high heels, I say!

Anyway it sounds like you are more of the equity feminist stripe than the gender feminist variety.

You don;t have to be a strident "The MAN is keeping me down" individual to be in favor of people being treated as people.

You go girl.