Friday, 9 May 2008

Secret Diary

Secret Diary of a Call Girl started on TV last week in New Zealand. I'd read a lot about it, so naturally I was curious about it. I decided to see what all the fuss was about and watched it.

It shocked me, to be honest. I was warned that I'd never be able to watch Billie Piper in anything else again, and boy they weren't lying. I kept waiting for a plot (other than call girl having sex) to develop, but it never did. There was just a lot of sex. Other than that, not a lot happened.

Yet, when Thursday night rolled around again, I found myself tuning into the show. It fascinated me. I wanted to know who Belle's next customer would be, if she'd get caught by someone she knew... It's exciting and sickening, and I can't stop myself from watching it.


Mr Subtle said...

oh how I so miss NZ TV - crappy Aussie TV fills the time between ads with crap reality TV, yet won't ever show something like this.

I've caught a couple of episodes and really enjoyed it (even beyond the sex) Billie Piper really does a great job in the role. Not sure about "not being able to see her in another role", she does (did?) really well in Doctor Who.

It's a matter of fact show based on a matter of fact book - not something most of the idiots (in this country at least) will ever be able to handle.

*cry* if only NZ didn't have so much family!

The Flash said...

Just stumbled across your blog as I was seeing who my fellow fans are over at confessions of a college callgirl. You have a very fresh tone-- I was much more self-indulgent when I was 17. If you're wondering what to do with yourself, consider writing. You may be at a loss for subjects, but when you've hit on something to write about, you've communicated it effectively on both an intellectual and emotional level. Anyway, thanks for the engaging read.