Saturday, 24 May 2008

Light Weight Booze Hound

I got drunk for the first time last Saturday night. It only took me three Vodka Cruisers to push me to the edge, which was fine by me. I had such a hilarious time, my friends and I rearranged the furniture to create a dance floor, and then boogied down to a techno version of the Jewish Bah Mitzvah song.

The decision to drink did not come lightly, as earlier I had chosen to remain the sober one at parties. Yes, part of it can be put down to peer pressure - all my friends are drinking, why shouldn't I? I think the main reason I began to drink was the realization that I was mature enough to handle its consequences. I have been to many parties where I've seen people go over their limits, and so I knew not to push mine. Three drinks may have been 'light-weight,' but I knew that I didn't want to be the loser who threw up in someone else's house.


The Flash said...

My first time getting drunk was the night I graduated from highschool. It only took me two drinks, but in my defense, one of those was a, uh, very large, very strong whiskey sour... oh, that's still kind of sad... I was a very well-behaved kid, once upon a time.

It's good to make sure you have a friend you trust who has a little more experience with alcohol to be around the first few times you get drunk. Nobody wants cellphone pics of you hurling or naked to end up on facebook.

Anonymous said...

jesus you're such a fucking tool - it annoys the hell out of me that every time i see you comment somewhere and i'm like "what a fucking tool" and i follow you back here, i'm giving you a page view. which is the only thing you want, you fucking, fucking tool.

learn not to care what people think and maybe, just maybe, you'll be someone who people want to hang out with.

jesus christ you make me depressed.

sixteensecrets said...

Then don't visit my page. Unless you're a masochist.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on your wee blog searching for French Postcards. I was intrigued earlier that you felt no desire to experience hangovers so did not drink. Now I read that you feel you're mature enough to handle drinking. Doesn't that just mean you feel you are mature enough to handle hangovers?