Saturday, 20 June 2009

Saturday Night

I've finished my exams, I'm free for three weeks. I survived Semester A! Hooray!

How am I celebrating? Well, I went to town and watched the All Blacks beat the French, and then I came home. And now I'm watching Season Three of Gilmore Girls. It's not exactly how I had planned on spending my Saturday night, but my friend bailed on me so I had no one to go to town with. So, I'm home alone. I don't even have any food to gorge on. I went for a walk and sat down by the lake for a little while, but it got too cold. I did see a shooting star, though. I made a wish that next semester I'd be happier, less lonely, less... I don't know. Less me, maybe?

It's times like these where I wish I had a boyfriend, or a guy I fooled around with (but didn't actually have any feelings for). I'd just text them and we'd watch movies and make out a bit. It'd be nice, and better than this- as much as I love Gilmore Girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please please please don't balloon up like so many young women who replace sex with food around this time of life. Your bod is too perfect.