Thursday, 11 June 2009

The Evolution of Sixteen Secrets

I starts this blog on a whim, never thinking that I'd write over a hundred posts. I've never been able to keep a diary for that long, what makes an online blog any different?
This blog has also changed a lot from when I first started it. My first posts were all about secret confessions and desires, whereas now it reads more like the pages of my diary, which I guess in a way is what it is. And although it's secret to the people most important to me, there are people out there reading about my life. Or there used to be, I'm not sure if anyone is quite so interested any more.

I use this blog as an outlet, a place to say things that I can't speak aloud to others. It gives me satisfaction to know that people can know the dirty little secrets. I also like the fact that most people who commented on my posts were there to give advice and encouragement rather than to judge.

I love writing this blog, and although my posts may not be as interesting as they used to be (although there's still a chance of more pictures going up), I will continue to do it long after people have stopped reading it.


DougOnBlogger said...

And I do love reading it, even as all the changes in style happen. If anything, they make it more interesting!

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading. Unfortunatly for you! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading