Sunday, 21 June 2009

I Want A Jess.

Yeah, I'm posting again. Get over it. I'm on holiday! Although I've made the decision to restrict my Facebooking to one hour a day. I want people to think I'm out doing stuff, even if I'm not. I'm way to addicted to that stupid social networking site for my own good.

Anyway, point of today's blog is guys, again. Which was sort of the whole reason I started this blog in the first place, so it's apt.

I love Jess from Gilmore Girls. He's a bit of a dick, but there's something so mysterious and sexy about him. And I want one, please. That's the sort of guy I'd like at the moment. The guy who isn't anti-social, but would prefer to stay and watch movies with you than go to town- but will go if you drag him. He reads, and makes pop-culture references, and if I don't get them, he'll make me read/watch/listen so that I do get it. He works, or at least has had some sort of a job, has a car, and of course is a good kisser. He wouldn't stick around forever, he can't, he's not made that way, but he always cares.

This is the kind of guy you can't meet in town, I don't know where you would.


Anonymous said...

This time of your life is to find you, get an education, and learn to live without men - Screw the guys (but only in your spare time).

Joe said...

As a guy I have to say that there are alot of these types out there. Patience and looking where you normally wouldn't may lead you to what you are looking for.