Tuesday, 29 April 2008

New Blog Title

You'll notice that I've changed the title of my blog, to 'Sixteen Secrets.' This is because I felt that 'Secrets of a Sixteen Year Old' is really no longer relevant, seeing as I'm actually seventeen, and just under six months out from eighteen. I hope you don't mind. I'll be adding some other things too, like a page counter, maybe. How exciting! 

I hope you are all still enjoying my blog, and if you have any suggestions or comments, they're always welcome :).


Anonymous said...

I think more picture of your beautiful self would be great for your blog.

Unknown said...

Although the pictures are nice, I actually like the first one best, it leaves most to the imagination, I like the stories even better. The best thing about blogs is that you get to share a small part of someone else's life, love, doubts, joys, anxieties.. And discover that we're all alike in some ways.
In that discovery lies understanding of ourselves and the world at large. So keep the stories coming, they are a joy to read!